$LUMDOG BILLIONAIRE profile picture


About Me

I..M FLEXIBLE, MOBERN, LIBERAL, GULLIBLE, SOCIAL.MORE THAN A PARTNER I EXPECT A FRIEND WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF ME AND MY PARENTS.I LIKE TO PARTIES, DISCO, OUTING, LONG DRIVES.THERES LOThttp://www.matrimonialsindia.com/main/detl2.php?sl=113081 Despite the fact that you attempted to win her at her doorstep with bags full of expensive clothes and a car (the lower end model Mercedes Benz which you financed by signing over your current vehicle) containing an expensive stereo and a cellular phone, your woman has contacted me through my pager indicating that we should rendezvous at midnight.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

mummies. mommies. mamis wearing mumus...

My Blog

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