Hey, I'm Andy. Add me, message me, anything you care to do. I'm friendly, honest.
I've just finished a degree in Philosophy (*groan*) at the University of Sheffield. I'm not living in Newcastle Under Lyme preparing to begin a 2 year course to make me into an IT teacher. Go figure.
So yeah, I game. PC and 360. Current MMO of choice = Guild Wars, for the lulz.
I used to have a lot of principles, but I've pruned those back now. I consider myself quite spiritual, with discordian/chaote leanings, but I'm a little hazy on that at the moment. Magick 8-Ball says 'Ask Again Later'.
Other than that, I'm a moderate in most things. I dislike radical political positions of all persuasions, and I find it very difficult to get along with anyone who holds a particularly hardline ideology to heart, though I will try if they're sincere enough about what they stand for, and don't presume that I'd be better off if I agreed with them- I'm quite happy as a non-communist, non-conservative, non-christian, non-vegan, thank you. Just a caution, I guess.
As I said above, one of the things I'm particularly interested in at the moment is psychedelia, but more broadly all activities resulting in altered states of consciousness- various religious practises, ritual, meditation, aural stimulation etc., and in a sense mental illness also. If you have anything to say about any of these things, I'd really like to hear from you. I'm not doing anything as formal as a study, but there's lots I want to learn about.
Anyway, that's about all you need to know about me that isn't summed up by that big old list of interests over to the left. If there's anything I haven't covered that you want to know, just go ahead and ask. I'm easy going and pretty open.
I can be MSN'd at [email protected]
I'm not online that often, but I'll talk to anyone.
The beard is out of action briefly until I decide what to do with it.(< / End Beardwatch Update>)