angels baseball
cell phones
chatting with friends
ice cold diet pepsi
long drives for no reason
eating lobster
being together as a family
friends anytime
games when someone else wins :)
traveling away together
ice tea with no lemon
long talks
movies anytime
music of all kinds
my perfect hubby
my perfect kids
poems that mean something
romance of anykind
roses for no reason
shopping for fun
sports of all kinds
the sky at night
time together
Someday I'd like to meet my grandkids!! Once they are born that is :)!!
I love everything...I think my choices will surprise you :)
Anything that makes me laugh....and of course cry!! :)
Visit MY WEBSITE DianeLee.acnrep.com
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Some things I cannot change: my age, who my relatives are, my eye color, my height, my childhood experiences, my inborn talents, my nature, someone else's abuse of alcohol, whether the sun will shine, my job history, what I will inherit, how my parents feel, yesterday's lost opportunities, how long I will live, who forgives me, how my parents treated me, how much I am loved, the past.
Some things I can change: the youthfulness of my spirit, who my friends are, my hair color, my weight, my adult experiences, my achievements, my character, my reaction to someone else's use of alcohol, whether my eyes will shine, my job possibilities, what I will bequeath, how I feel, my ability to act on today's opportunities, how well I will live, whom I forgive, how I treat my own children, how much I love, the future.
I thank God for my growing ability to choose.
..My mom! Raising 5 girls alone isn't easy :)!! All my sisters for surviving it all haha! My husband for saving me from the dysfunction!! My husbands family for always being there when I need them :)!!