~~Jes~~ profile picture


Listen, Pay Attention, Treasure every moment.

About Me

NOT a morning person, I hate the fact that some people can just wake up talking. I have to have silence. I have 3 boys, yep 3 and a husband to boot. So I am all little insane at times. I like to talk but I also like to look. I am probably one of those people that could just sit in a park and look at the world for hours. It amazes me to see how fast life goes sometimes.I want to get up one morning and go sit somewhere all day and just watch life, think about it do you ever just sit?****

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My Interests

I like anything really. I am easily amused.

I'd like to meet:

Every one in the world. Just once though. *
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Robin Thicke, all country, Tons of R&B, Brandston;MercyMe; 80's ha ha Jet; Dido. GAH do I have to pick.It would be eaiser to say the things i don't like, so Clasical,Metal.


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My heroes would have to by my children. Every day they wake up with a new smile. They don't think about what kind of day it might be. They just wake up always on the right side. I can honestly say I admire all my boys because it is always okay no matter what. They always have something genius to say, and when it's really bad they make you laugh, and laughing is what takes me through even the roughest of days! I LOVE my boys!

My Blog


I have come to realize a very important thing in life...It would be that i am not living it.. I just realized that i move way to fast and don't enjoy the good stuff. Like when my 5 year old says crazy...
Posted by ~~Jes~~ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:15:00 PST

Tire change

 Okay so when did it become a crime to change your tire. Last night Matt and I were driving down robinson street and wouldn't you know there was a young man changing his tire and some dumb ass co...
Posted by ~~Jes~~ on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:34:00 PST