My name is Jorge Arguello and I'm an artist/musician/songwriter activist who's been blessed and wish to share that with the world. How, you ask?
I created UAMI and the specific purpose of this corporation is to provide our children ages 12 through 21 access, without regard to income or status, art realizations whether it is in the form of music, sculpture, painting, poetry, dance, film, recording or in any form so that they can achieve their fullest balanced, empowered, peaceful and loving potential as a human being and also providing them the guidance to manifest the power of positive emotional expression.
By bringing balance to our youth, they will develope the sense of positive emotional expression and learn to manifest this positive influence in their lives no matter what situation they find themselves in.
All people have choices and our program, Artistic Creative Expression, hands the key over to unlock the potential of manifesting positive changes in the lives of a young person, when that balance is critical to the formation of positive changes.
Please visit the UAMI website for more insight to our program and sign up to receive the newsletters. Stay informed on how we are lowering suicides, depression and violent incidents our young people experience on a daily basis.
For more information Click Here . Thank you for your interest and support. Please come back to experience the changes and updates of the United Arts Movement International .