About Me
i LoVe::.
♥ Dario
♥ TAAYYYYYYYYYloooooooor!!!!
♥ roller coasters
♥ baseball
♥ pictures
♥ shopping!
♥ doing make-up
♥ WhIp CreAm
♥ kids!
♥ red skittles
♥ scary movies
♥ ab work-outs
♥ volleyball
♥ pink starbursts*
♥ tennis
I hAtE::.
♥ letting people down
♥ backstabbers
♥ people who r stuck up
♥ breaking promises
♥ racism
♥ being stared at
♥ peas
♥ peaches
♥ asparagus
♥ mustard
♥ mayonaise
♥ guacomole
♥ mushrooms
♥ and tomatos :)
♥ snakes. sharks. spiders. :-O
♥ getting up early
♥ blood.. :( and needles.
♥ feet!
♥ people who are uncapable of laughing
♥ excuses
sOmE rAnDoMnEsS::.
♥ I give good advice
♥ I'm clumsybr
♥ I dont care what people think about me. and thats the truth!
♥ I CAN be a bitch so DEAL WITH IT :)
♥ I have 5 nieces, 5 nephews, and 1 daughter!
♥ When i know the rules.. its hard for me follow them :))
♥ I dont trust people right away, so give me some time ;)
♥ if you start talkin about eyes.. mine will start to water
♥ it takes a LOT to embarass me.
♥ I'm 16
♥ I dont believe in dumb blondes
♥ I like most people.. and if i dont like you you would probably know
♥ Im not mexican.. im italian, bohemian, french, german..etc. lol get it right!
♥ I have a very good perivaval vision (idk if i spelled it right lol)
♥ i will NEVER change myself for ANY guy
♥ i love sunglasses! but i tend to break every pair i get :(
Remember when boys had cooties,
When friends always listend to you,
When dreams were u n s h a t t e r e d,
And ||worries|| were always f e w,
When recess was way too short
And life was way t o o l o n g ,
When [(Decisions)] came easily,
With no need to BeLoNg,
When ...Storks... delivered babies,
When passions weren't so strong,
When [f.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p.s] weren't b/r/o/k/e/n,
Right was right and wrong was wrong,
When bad things d i d n t h a p p e n,
Only .(skinned knees). brought tears,
And the //night light.... in our room...
Quieted all our fears,
When -*DeCiSiIoNs*- were solved by
E n i. m E e n i. m i n E e. mO,
When boys were so0o0o0o y u c k y,
And +goodbyes+ only meant til tommarow,
When our ClOthES didnt match,
And ((real friends)) didn't |p|a|r|t|
The fun went on forever, and
Never left a . b . r . o . k . e . n . heart
PEOPLE don't play SPORTS because its FUN. Ask any ATHLETE, most of them HATE it, but they couldn't IMAGINE their life WITHOUT it. Its part of them, the LOVE/hate relationship. Its what they LIVE for. They live for the PRACTICES, parties, cheers, LONG bus rides, invitationals, COUNTLESS pairs of different types of SHOES, water, Gatorade, & COACHES you hate but appreciate. They LIVE for the way it feels when they BEAT the other team, and knowing those TWO extra SPRINTS they ran in practice were WORTH it. They LIVE for the way they become a FAMILY with their TEAM, they LIVE for the countless SONGS they sing in their HEAD while training all those HOURS. They LIVE for the COMPETITION, they live for the FRIENDS, the practices, the MEMORIES, the pain, its WHO THEY ARE. It's WHO WE ARE.
my AIM is