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Dashboard, Something Corporate, All American Rejects, The Fray, Cartel, and many many more i dont feel like typing...
Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty, im a sucker for fake reality TV, and lots of stuff...
im not much of a reader but im working on that..
All my girls... who help when when i need it and show me everyday that i couldnt live with out them...abbie- who has always been there form the start, and has showed me that you can find the boy of your dreams.Leslie- has fought so hard to get where she is today and will go so much further in life.. even when something tries to hold her back she pushes through and shows me that i can do it no matter what.Rene- She is my sould mate! I love her like no other we just seem to understand eachother better than anyone possibly could.Melissa- one of my newest editions,is full of heart and even though it may get broken way more than it should will alwasy find a way to mend it.Holly- I wish we had hung out in High School and that you didnt live in austin, who knows when ive made a regret or just acted kinda stupid and shouldnt regret it and im so happy we all have you now.Travis- Just bc you make me laugh and your my guy friend...Im so lucky to have all of you!!if i didnt put you in here and you would like to be added just let me know...