humor, music, film, books, people, sleep, my new satin sheets, posh foreign toiletries, mental illness, japanese eyelash curlers, cute japanese shit, daydreaming, intrigue, good karma, taking chances, new experiences, healthy appetites, farmer's markets, fresh eggs, creating cocktails, looking at RV's and where to put them, poetry, preservation, still looking for a home I can afford in a place I can tolerate.
Harry Potterstein, Wizard of Zion. Distractions. A sugar daddy I don't have to put out for. I'd also like to meet my current professional sports crushes: Rafael Nadal, Melky Cabrera and Mike Lowell.
Dick in a Box, The KKK Took My Baby Away
Pedro Almodovar, David Lynch, Errol Morris, Christopher Guest, Kevin Smith, John Woo, Douglas Sirk, old "gay" stuff w/Joan Crawford, Bette Davis and the like, documentaries, especially Grey Gardens, American Movie, Spellbound, Murderball, etc. etc. Revenge of the Nerds, Caddyshack, Amelie, Private Parts, the Chucky series, Leprechaun in the Hood, Casablanca, Chungking Express, lots of French films...and so on...big film geek here. As a child in the country I had movies instead of friends. I recently saw An Inconvenient Truth and I want to have an affair with Al Gore. Just kidding, I'm not a homewrecker but his passion is inspiring. Year of the Dog, WAITRESS!! I cannot say enough good things about this movie! It makes me want to move to the south and open a pie shop...I used to want to be a grilled cheese vendor in Central Park but I think I've found my calling. Go see The King of Kong if you live in/near a city where it's playing. Go on, go.
Baseball (Red Sox) but I still heart Melky Cabrera and Bernie Williams (though he is no longer a Yankee) Family Guy, Simpsons, British comedy (The Office, Red Dwarf, Ab Fab, etc.) Bewitched episodes w/Paul Lynde as Uncle Arthur, PBS--especially Frontline, VH 1 Classics, Richard Simmons, the CBS Sunday morning program is easy like Sunday morning, the three stooges makes me laugh like a mental patient.
Whatever Oprah tells me to read.
A very moving David Bowie song about lovers and the Berlin Wall. Also one of Howard's favorite songs.