Laura's Bush D-MA profile picture

Laura's Bush D-MA

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Agent Provocateur, pleasure victim, prurient prodigy, martyr, wack pack enthusiast, graceful goof, not aloof, occasionally uncouth, white of tooth, seeker of sooth ..

My Interests

humor, music, film, books, people, sleep, my new satin sheets, posh foreign toiletries, mental illness, japanese eyelash curlers, cute japanese shit, daydreaming, intrigue, good karma, taking chances, new experiences, healthy appetites, farmer's markets, fresh eggs, creating cocktails, looking at RV's and where to put them, poetry, preservation, still looking for a home I can afford in a place I can tolerate.

I'd like to meet:

Harry Potterstein, Wizard of Zion. Distractions. A sugar daddy I don't have to put out for. I'd also like to meet my current professional sports crushes: Rafael Nadal, Melky Cabrera and Mike Lowell.


Dick in a Box, The KKK Took My Baby Away


Pedro Almodovar, David Lynch, Errol Morris, Christopher Guest, Kevin Smith, John Woo, Douglas Sirk, old "gay" stuff w/Joan Crawford, Bette Davis and the like, documentaries, especially Grey Gardens, American Movie, Spellbound, Murderball, etc. etc. Revenge of the Nerds, Caddyshack, Amelie, Private Parts, the Chucky series, Leprechaun in the Hood, Casablanca, Chungking Express, lots of French films...and so on...big film geek here. As a child in the country I had movies instead of friends. I recently saw An Inconvenient Truth and I want to have an affair with Al Gore. Just kidding, I'm not a homewrecker but his passion is inspiring. Year of the Dog, WAITRESS!! I cannot say enough good things about this movie! It makes me want to move to the south and open a pie shop...I used to want to be a grilled cheese vendor in Central Park but I think I've found my calling. Go see The King of Kong if you live in/near a city where it's playing. Go on, go.


Baseball (Red Sox) but I still heart Melky Cabrera and Bernie Williams (though he is no longer a Yankee) Family Guy, Simpsons, British comedy (The Office, Red Dwarf, Ab Fab, etc.) Bewitched episodes w/Paul Lynde as Uncle Arthur, PBS--especially Frontline, VH 1 Classics, Richard Simmons, the CBS Sunday morning program is easy like Sunday morning, the three stooges makes me laugh like a mental patient.


Whatever Oprah tells me to read.


A very moving David Bowie song about lovers and the Berlin Wall. Also one of Howard's favorite songs.

My Blog

Wistful and Wishful

The Last Fall After much prolonged soul-searching and list-making I've decided that this is my last fall in New England--and that a move to Nashville is in the works. During my final months in Bo...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:21:00 PST

It's a Shame About Gay

I just read that Wentworth Miller is gay. I don't have many natural abilities or innate talents but my gaydar is usually 99% accurate--and I didn't see this coming. Funny he got his proverbial break o...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:20:00 PST

Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music still in them.--Oliver W. Holmes

For the Virginia Tech victims and their loved ones, St. Francis of Assisi's prayer of peace   Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is i...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:21:00 PST

'roids bring out the best in people

another gem. file&friendid=34874582 This guy is awesome. If this was an episode of the Jerry Springer show it would be entitled, "Bise...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 02:43:00 PST

The Future Mr. Suzanne ok,  I don't know where to begin with this specimen. I think he overdosed on whigger/Ali G/Growing up Gotti/can you smell what the Rock is cooking pills. He wa...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Tue, 02 May 2006 02:54:00 PST

Former slave quarters in VA near Papa's house

Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 07:00:00 PST

Mother Theresa Junior

weekend's theme: selfless altruism. I spent a couple of hours Friday night with my bipolar gay friend who needless to say, is out of his mind. Gotta love listening to manic rants enhanced by sco...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:45:00 PST

Daze of whine and noses

In recent weeks I have been on a bit of a Leaving Las Vegas-esque tear but without the benefit of a Sting soundtrack or Elisabeth Shue by my side. There are a variety of reasons for this; some persona...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 07:10:00 PST

reasons to be cheerful, part 1

I've noticed--I'm very perceptive today--that there's an excess of song titles and such on my blogs, etc. I reckon this is because a.) I'm a recovering music geek and b.) I suffer from an al...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 08:37:00 PST


I apologize in advance if by promoting my contest via electronic forums I offend anyone's sensibilities. That is not my intention. Nor is it my objective to corrupt teenagers, upset precious elitists ...
Posted by Laura's Bush D-MA on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 08:50:00 PST