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I am here for Friends

About Me

Old motto:Lifes a bitch and then you die, load the peice and lets get hi. New motto: Lifes a bitch and then you die, you never know unless you try. Im all about second chances. Its never too late to get your shit together. I recently just made a move from my hometown. This makes me proud and I hold my head up high for that. Everyone there tries years to do what Ive just done. I just wish my leaveing was under better circumstances. I was dyin there and had been outa my mind for years. I lost my self completly to drugs. Ive lost loves, my dreams, my morals, and I neglected my family and friends. Now im out here doin somthin with my life. Im makeing my family proud, I cherrish my old time friends and believe every person, every moment, and every choice counts! From now on Ill be makeing my moves wisely. No matter how painfull liveing life can be every single second is worth it to me. So yea LIFES A BITCH, BUT SHES ONE BEAUTIFUL BITCH! On the flip side I like to laugh. At myself, at you, at life in general. Under all the irony ther is humor you just have to look for it. Latley I catch myself smileing for no reason at all but id rather smile and not know why than to cry for 1,000 reasons. I want to love like ive never had my heart broken, try like ive never failed and have hope like ive never been let down before. This profile was edited with FearKiller's Pimp

My Interests

I just try to stay as fly as a white girl can be. This means back home i was known as that blonde chick who never went with out a OE.HG.4O oz in her hand. i also got the nick name crackhead barbie but ive come to discover i dont need shit in my system to have a good time. Me and my girls have fun just by acting like fools. i love summertime barbaques, beaches, and hot bodies! snowboarding gets me by in the winter. my girls are myl life, Ill alwayse be lovein them guys but id have to be sprung before id need one. base that bumps in fly ass cars gets me off! i love my music. i keep it blastin and insane like me. most of all id rather do anything but be sitting in basements staying up till sunrise going crazy( NOT EVERY ONE WILL GET DAT)

I'd like to meet:

People who are 4 real, SEXY, fun and can laugh at themselves. If ure 2 cool id probly laugh at u. U wanna be my friend u gotta man up and send me a lil message. Random friend request will not be exsepted. Other than that im down to know a lil bit of everyone. old friends and new so dont be shy U BIG a


pitbul, paulwall, eminem, 50, missy e, yingyangs, ciara, ludacris, trina, lil kim an wayne, mariah, peety pablo, preety ricky, 2 pac, biggie, tech nine, sublime, I.C.P, S.P.M, everlast, third eyeblind, limp b,but not too much gangsta shit cuz im white and i exsept that now :( ha ha


scar face, never die alone, american history X, 187, dangerous minds, kids, spun, blow, reqrium of a dream, dueces wild, thirteen, crazy beautiful, fear and loathing, jawbreaker and 8 mile


ultamint fighters, beaves and but head, howard stren, south park, reno 911, dave chapell and any of the dirty ass comics on B.E.T! mostly i just watch music videos dow


ha ha, ummmmm, the latest books ive read was when i was locked up, they are 7x7, sin city, and narcotics anonymos. other than that i dont read anything other than a cosmo magaziene



My Blog

6 underground

if you could youd take me down see me 6 under the ground beneeth your feet once you stoop to low ther`ll be nowere to go tell me will i alwayse belong to these streets i see now better ...
Posted by Reba on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 03:07:00 PST

dont forget about us

dont foget about us we just let it it die, there was no goodbye  details dont matter we bolth paid the price there was tears in these eyes but we know sometimes it just be like that &n...
Posted by Reba on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 02:36:00 PST

the secrets I keep

The secrets i keep Am I as happy as im pretending Secrets I keep fool everyone but me My secrets I am defending I hold them back behind these teeth I grit them as I try to bre...
Posted by Reba on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 05:13:00 PST

Dear Crystal M.

Dear crystal meth With one breath of you its back to good My reflections not so bad Your creepin through my body now I remember the good weve had Overwhelmed with what I feel So happy I could die I ta...
Posted by Reba on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 04:23:00 PST


Prayer Now I lay me dow me down to sleep Forgive me god for I am weak I love to escape each nite and dream When I wake I want to scream Another day each breath is pain Every momen...
Posted by Reba on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 11:38:00 PST