Background By Profile NutI am a former teacher and have changed careers after giving up my fight for children we are in some serious trouble also now I work with money and I like it even though it goes against some of my views I like that we are a small business bank and give the little guy a chance though. With that it's Time to lift up my cup and take a swig of that ......I will let these guys finish the restBRASS MONKEY (LIVE REMIX) (Beastie Boys)
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You Are Krusty the Clown
You were the class clown as a kid, and you still entertain people.
From faking your own death to getting a wacky boob job, you'll do anything for a laugh.
You will be remembered for: your face being everywhere, from cereal to home pregnancy tests
Your life philosophy: "I heartily endorse this event or product."
The Simpsons Personality Test