The Austria based entity Obscure Anachronism was initially brought forth around the death of 2004 when both Blightthorn and Andreas felt the strong urge to join forces in order to establish an outlet that would enable them to realize what they were eager to express. The first yield of the band..s constant rehearsals consisted of two songs that were spat upon this miserable world in January 2006 with the aid of a german label. Due to the band..s crappy recording equipment the sound of the tracks contained on the demo turned out rather messy and muddy nonetheless appropriate for a demo. In November 2006 Obscure Anachronism entered Winterblut studios in Nuremberg in order to record 4 long tracks with a suitable sound that were to comprise their first full-length album entitled “Transcending mundane obstaclesâ€. The songs contained on the album are “Ecstatical visions unfoldâ€, “Cremation is educationâ€, “Disaggregation†and “Entfremdungâ€. In July 2007 the full-length was released on CD by the label Ahdistuksen aihio from Finland. A tape-version spawned by Tanhu rec. from Germany was made available in limited quantities as well.
The music of Obscure Anachronism can most aptly be described as utterly devoted trance-inducing black metal that is performed with utmost passion and dedication. Dare to let your pity egos be totally consumed by the composition..s otherworldy emanations and thus rid yourself of the illusions of this worthless world. And as opposed to a myriad of bands that neglect lyrics totally because of them lacking any worthwhile visions Obscure Anachronism do indeed have something to say as well. Their lyrics penned in essay-form have been praised by many for their appealing subtlety and the philosphical touch. The topics the lyrics deal with are how it feels to be completely alienated from the environment that surrounds you, visions of unworthy people..s extinction and profound meditations about death.
Very long and in-depth interviews with the band can be found in the current or upcoming issues of such splendid underground publications as Bloodaxe (Belgium), Psicoterror (Peru) and Stratanael (GB).
Obscure Anachronism are in the moment busy writing the successor to “Transcending mundane obstaclesâ€. An LP version of the first album to be out on Ahdistuksen aihio in due time is being worked on as well.
That..s what some individuals wrote about our first full-length “Transcending mundane obstaclesâ€ (8/10)
Ausgedehnte Monotonie kann nach wie vor ein fesselndes Unterfangen sein - wenn man die letzten hundert Veröffentlichungen, die mit bloßem Aneinanderreihen von zwei Arrangements auf Streifzug gingen, dezent außer Acht lässt. Musikalisch erzeugte Hypnose ist ein selten erreichtes Stilmittel, um den Hörer in die gewünschte Sphäre zu befördern; bei vielen Ein-Mann-Baustellen endet dies in einem todlangweiligen, nie enden wollenden Desaster. Aus Österreich jedoch meldet sich diese Band, die sich dieser Stilistik angenommen hat und alles andere als in dieselbe, ermüdende Kerbe wie das zuvor genannte Pack schlägt. Obscure Anachronism erschaffen schwebende, knöcherne Hymnen, in denen man aufgehen oder endlos tief fallen kann; letztere Möglichkeit wird vor allem durch den verzweifelten, zugleich aber sehr kraftvollen Gesang sowie den stellenweise wunderschön "singenden" Gitarren verstärkt. Für Freunde zermürbender Musik sicherlich empfehlenswert, aber auch all jene, die deprimierenden Black Metal mit Burzums Frühwerken besiegelt sehen, sollten hier reinhören. Totgesagte Sub-Genres leben schließlich länger, als man erwartet hätte.
Psicoterror magazine (Peru) also featured with an interview
The first full-length album of these Austrians..s a strong piece of melancholic Black Metal. Lyrically they explore different fields: Meditations about death, extinction of the mob and the current status quo. Very well written as usual.
Bloodaxe magazine (Belgium) (8/9) also featured with an interview
This debut-album portrays what a remarkable progress this Austrian band has made trough since 2005. Nearly everything that lacked on the demo has been put straight on this full-length. The riffs are played wih more feeling (more skill as well, naturally), the drums are a lot more virile/exciting and the general sound fits the lenghty riffs perfectly. And I cannot stress out enough what the value of Blightthorn..s vox adds to the general grieving atmosphere of this album. An atmosphere of violent melancholy that gets build up in every song. Since it..s release, this album has become one of my favourites of the genre. “Transcending mundane obstacles†is an entirety, on every aspect a Black metal release has to be. (8/10)
OBSCURE ANACHRONISM can be summed up in two words: sombre and dignified. This album deathmarches along without fuss or pretension, the only sign of its passage being the grey clouds that gather in its wake. Bleak as it may be, this Black Metal doesn't quite drop into the depths of the suicidal though it will leach away any joy within listening distance. Despite the wretched atmosphere, the music here does not bleat away all “Woe is me,†it is in fact quite emphatically crying out “Oh woe is you.†Songs of your's and everyone else's demise await. Determined progress is made on each of these four lengthy tracks but not on the back of some hellborn wing'ed beast, the pace is mostly carried by a black panther, it stalks predominantly, its purpose clear and muscles tensed for the dash when the goal is in sight. The contempt on display also has an authentic air about it, the fact that there is little in the way of machine-gunned spite prevents the message being left behind in the rush. Transcending Mundane Obstacles†demonstrates that the delivering of a message can be more effective with a degree of subtlety, you don't need to strap it to a missile and press “fire.†These songs segue into your conciousness before you know it and once there, remain.
I hate records
Melancholy BM from Austria with angst ridden vocals and distant, swarming riffs creating very oppressive atmospheres. Will appeal to fans of BURZUM circa Filosofem as well as XASTHUR. A very high quality release and definitely the best to come out of Austria in a long, long time!
Fog of the apocalypse
Das beste was Österreich in dieser Sache jemals zu bieten hatte. Depressiver Black Metal in seiner reinsten Form.
Deathstrike records
Who thought we could expect such a great piece of melancholic bm from Austria. Well the disappointmens are over. Debut album by these maniacs!
Ablaze Magazine (review from Ewigkeit Sampler) Weiter geht's mit den österreichischen OBSCURE ANACHRONISM, die mich sogleich vollends weggeblasen und anhand des dargebotenen, 11minütigen Liedguts namens „The Turning Point“ zum Kauf ihres Langspielers animiert haben. Ich laufe Gefahr, mich ewiglich (höhö) zu wiederholen, aber auch die Österreicher bieten eine grandiose, sehr eigenständige und dennoch ursprüngliche Mischung aus Melodik und Räudigkeit, kreieren anhand dieser einen alles verzehrenden, depressiv anmutenden Sog, dem ich völlig hilflos ausgeliefert bin und mich immer wieder genötigt sehe, die „Zurück“-Taste zu betätigen...mein persönlicher Favorit auf „Ewigkeit“, der himmelkreischende Wahnsinn!!! ---------------------------------------------------------
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