I dunno, I'm pretty laid back I guess. I love being military, and I try not to take 99.9% of things seriously, it just complicates things. I love to laugh, meet new people, drink beer, hang out.... This sounds like everyone else's About Me section. "I like long walks on the beach, the stars..." I reeeeaaaaal big on tattoos, at least ones that have a meaning to them. I always have that itch to get something else, you know, that'll remind me when I'm 70 and senile, of what's important. And girls with tattoos, I'm into, as well. I love 'em. If you know me at all, I can be a little wild and unpredictable at times, but I'm really mostly just in chill mode. Travelling is high on my list.... Well, just getting out there and having a blast while you're still here and your heart's beating. I'm tired of writing here.... Wanna know somethin' let me know. Deuces
Wanna know what we commercials we have to watch over here in Okinawa? Take a look at our recycling one....You are 100% Pittsburgh. Â
Great job! There's nooooo doubt about it. You're from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!
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