JUNE profile picture


i was post up in them hallways late night all day rain,sleet, or snow, nigga

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics

My Interests

..Take the quiz:
What designer shoes would fit you best? (With Pics! :))

Air Force Ones
So let's face the facts. You're prolly a sensible person who doesn't normally go for the 300 dollar bag. But nevertheless, you still have tons of style, and are a cool person so...congrats! :D

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
what kinda gun fits u best?

Mossberg Shotgun
ur hard, gangsta, gutta, grimey and u plain old just dont give a fuck....sumtimes u get a trigger happy, but only when ur high and drunk, or just drunk

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! LONGEST MYSPACE SURVEY
.: About you :.
Name :
Nickname : June
Eye color : brown
Hair color : black
Fav color : red + black
Fav music : rap
Fav band : Triple six mafia
Fav movie : Boyz da hood
Fav show : Family Guy
Birthday : Oct 10
Birth Town : Memphis
Present Town : decatur
School : MacArthur
Grade : 10th
Style : Gangsta
Screenname : Trap star
.: Randon : Do you :.
Own ur house : no
Have any pets : no
Have any siblings : yes
Have a Boyfriend : NO
-- Who : nobody
Have a crush : Yes
Have a Best Friend : yes
Own a ATV : no
Have Boobs : no
Sleep naked : no
Sleep walk/talk : no
.: Have you ever :.
Sat in gum : no
Been kissed in the rain : yes
Danced in public : yes
Smiled for no reason : yes
Laughed so hard you cried : yes
Pee'd your pants : no
Written a song : no
Sang in the shower : yes
Performed on stage : no
Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : yes
Gone out of your way to make a new friend : no
Made out in a Theatre : no
Gone rollerskating since 8th grade : yes
Been in love : yes
Looked in the mirror everytime you passed it : yes
Kissed your mom in public : no
Held your dad's hand when you were scared : no
Tripped someone right after you helped them off of the floor : no
.: Who was the last person who :.
Said hi to you : don..'t know
Kissed you :
Hugged you :
Told you they loved you :
Said Fuck You, Bitch :
Wrote you a note :
Took your picture :
You called :
Called you :
Went to the movies wit you :
Sang to you :
Msg'd you :
You wrote a poem to :
.: Whats the last... :.
Time you cried :
Time you laughed : 5 min ago
.. you dialed :
Book you read : romeo and juliet
Food you ate : cheeseburger
Flavor of gum you chewed : winterfresh
Shoes your wore : Bapes
Store you went in : Footlocker
Thing you said : whatever
Time you looked at the time : 5:02
Movie you watched : Chocies 2
Joke you told : none
Song you sang : mafia nigga
.: Can you :.
Write with both hands : no
Whistle : yes
Blow a bubble : yes
Cross your eyes : yes
Touch your tongue to your nose: no
Dance : no
Gleek : no
Stay up all night w/o any sleep : yes
Speak a different language : no
Impersonate someone : no
Prank call ppl : no
Make a card house : no
Cook : yes
Sing : no
Love : no
Say your ABC's backwords : no
Hop on one foot & keep your balance : yes
.: Finish the line :.
If i were a : pimp
-- I'd : slap ahoe
My Best Friend is : dnt kno
So many ppl dont kno that : i..'m a trap star
My Boyfriend is : nobody
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!
Created by xobudsbabii44xo, taken 2450 times.
Created at Kwiz.biz - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys!Take the quiz:
What kind of bf/gf are you?((with pix))

You need to BACK OFF!!! You are waaaaay to into this person...give them their space!!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You scored as Butt. You are attracted to: the ass! your an ass man/woman.










What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics)
created with QuizFarm.com ...

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