Chris t Crash profile picture

Chris t Crash

About Me

Guitarist / singer / songwriter, seeks musicians for original / cover songs professional project.. Please request / message me if interested, and in the New York / New Jersey area. What I've got posted here are just a couple of scratch demos that are copy-written protected, and will be re-recorded professionally w/ a co-producer at a later date...All Songs Posted, written, produced, recorded, performed & copy-written by Chris t Crash.... (All RIGHTS RESERVED).... 2008. (Thanks for having a listen..!)

My Interests


Member Since: 22/01/2008
Band Website: T.B.A. ( to be announced )
Band Members: Chris t Crash (Rhythm) guitarsChris t Crash (lead) guitars ....(subject to change)Chris t Crash (Bass) Guitars...(subject to change) Chris t Crash (lead vocals) ....(appearing soon....subject to change)Chris t Crash (Live tracking drum machine).....(subject to change)Chris t Crash (production work)Chris t Crash (backing vox)
Influences: Kiss, Ace Frehley, L.A. Gun's, Faster Pussycat, Love/Hate, Richie Scarlet, Gun's n' Roses, The Rolling Stones, Ramones, Mass, nocomment, Missing Persons, Joan Jett, The Runaways, New York Dolls, Johnny Thunders, Blondie, Deborah Harry, Scandal, Mazzy Star, Hope Sandoval, Inxs, Kix, Hanoi Rocks, Fastway, Damone, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, She Wants Revenge, Shiny Toy Guns, The Ropes, The Cult, The Cure, Def Leppard, Ratt, Motley Crue, Kid Rock, Dgeneration, Lovemaker, Bang Tango, Peter Criss, Skid Row, Aerosmith, Prince, The Sounds, Mick Jagger, Vain, (just to name a few) ......As well as.... Cat's (All Types......small, & large, meow, & Roar), Any Hard Rock Musicians who have Stopped Smoking, The Jerky Boys, (Luv Ya.....Johnny B. & Kamal !!), Linda Blair, Bill Aucoin, ....Things that used to go bump in the night, Godzilla, Bruce & Brandon Lee, Luke Skywalker, Dr. David Banner (The Incredible Hulk) & last.... but Certainly not least....God....(The Holy Trinity)
Sounds Like: A Pack of WildCats.....That have gone.....Stock Rave'n Mad !!
Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


First off.... have you people seen some of these videos / profiles recently floating around youtube and myspace now...?  It's getting almost impossible to avoid them lately.. y'know w/the related vide...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Sep 2009 14:42:00 GMT


No.... absolutely not !! I never deliberately intended to write Christ Crashed...!!I honestly wrote Chris t Crashed....!  Because I did, (but that's another story!)So please don't get any mis-concepti...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 19:44:00 GMT