About Me
Isabel M. Umanzor Carrasco, teacher of Spanish in her native Chile, discovered at a very early age, her fondness and passion for music; but she had to postpone for a long period of her life this passion to completely dedicate herself to her second love ; that of education.
Isabel was born in the capital of Chile, Santiago. She always liked to sing and since she was very young, participated in every one of her school festivals. From Pedro, her father, she learned simplicity and respect for life ; and inherited her musical talent. As a child she listened as her father brightened family parties by singing his beloved songs of Mexico, and later, would make her father happy and proud by doing the same. From her mother ,Olga she inherited her strength, her courage to face adversity and the memories of a home full of love and union.
Isabel’s childhood wasn’t free of the unexpected. Growing up under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, her eyes captured much of the injustices and abuses that they were forced to live with in these times; like the lack of information due to a government run media, literary and artistic censorship; constant loss of electricity that forced many to use only battery powered radios to receive word of what was happening outside of their homes. Many long nights were spent in complete darkness with her sister watching through the window as silhouettes of tanks passed down the street where they lived while waiting for their parents to appear from the darkness safe and sound after a day at work. It was the battery powered radio tuned to a secretly broadcast station that gave Isabel her first glimpses of a Democratic life , that would be to this day her banner of fight.
Churches, in this time were the refuges for many idealists who wanted a change. Isabel took part in church choirs in her community and at age 11, was part of a folk group, “Llacolen†[‘Be Peacefull’], participating in communal festivals, and at 15 began as a soloist or with groups of friends in musical encounters called “Penasâ€, that were openly a cultural instant in opposition of the military regime. Not having reached voting age, she felt her way of contributing to the ideal was to pursue with strength “a changeâ€; change that was achieved in Chile in the year 1988, passing a consolidated Democratic administration that is still in place today.
Isabel continued singing until she began to study Castillian [Spanish language] Education at the University of Bio-Bio. After graduating, she practiced her profession for six years. During this time, her father became gravely ill and passed in 2000, splitting her nuclear family.
In 2001 Isabel came to the United States with the intention of beginning a new life, but never imagined it would be music , her great passion that would open doors in this country. With only six songs, a borrowed guitar that she taught herself to play, and a very personal and individual style, the doors began to open and she gained her new life.
In the same year Isabel participated in Latino festivals and musical performances with other musicians she had met along the way. In 2003 she performed as a solo artist at the Milsboro Latino Festival and at the Delmarva Chicken Festival in 2005. She played a sampling of her music at the University of Delaware with the group Katari. She appeared on WDEL in Wilmington in2006 demonstrating her music and the music of Latin America, and on public radio in Salisbury, MD. In March 2006 Isabel returned to her political roots by taking part in Voices Without Borders in Georgetown, DE to support the rights of all immigrants. Isabel has been singing and playing nearly nightly locally in southern Delaware.
In 2005 Isabel went to AMI studio in Salisbury, MD to record her first CD, a compilation of personal favorites from Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina and of course her native Chile. Also on the CD is one original song ,the title track, â€Dimeâ€. 2007 found Isabel back in the studio, but this time at AMI Seagull studio at Salisbury University. This latest project will showcase Isabel’s original personal and politically themed songs and is slated for a 2007 release.
Besides the power to develop her music, this country has given the possibility to explore another talent, that of painting. Isabel’s paintings with her personal touch , have also been used for the covers of her CD s.
Isabel’s music posses strong influences from Cuban ballads, and some from her idols ,Silvio Rodriguez, Pablo Milanes, Luis Eduardo Aute; and from the Latin American folkloric styles of artists such as Chilean Violeta Para, and Patricio Mans and groups like Intillimani and Quilapayun. Her themes run from social to intimate , playing with the sound and with the themes which at times can be somewhat severe.
She refuses to believe that the world is a possibility only for a few and is strongly convinced that each person has their place in this game that is life and that it’s her turn to play, to sing and for that reason every time she sings she gives herself completely, creating with her voice and her music an atmosphere of intimacy.//////////////Isabel M. Umanzor Carrasco, profesora de español en su paÃs natal Chile, descubre a muy temprana edad, su afición y pasión por la música; pero debe postergar por un largo periodo de su vida esta pasión para dedicarse por completo a su segundo amor ; "la educación".Nace en la capital de Chile, Santiago. Siempre le gustó cantar y desde pequeña participó en cada uno de los festivales que organizaba su colegio para conmemorar su fundación. De Pedro, su padre, aprende la sencillez y el respeto por la vida; además de heredar el talento musical. De pequeña escuchó a su padre amenizar, con canciones mexicanas, las fiestas familiares, y más tarde le correspondió a ella aquel papel, para alegria de él, quien la exponÃa con toda vehemencia y orgullo. De su madre, Olga hereda la fuerza, el coraje para enfrentar la adversidad y los recuerdos de un hogar lleno de amor y unión.
Su infancia no estuvo exenta de sobresalto. Creció bajo el regimen dictatorial de Augusto Pinochet, con lo cual logró capturar en su retina muchos de las injusticias y atropellos que se vivieron en ese momento; como la falta de información, ya que los medios eran manejados por el gobierno de ese entonces; mucha censura literaria y artÃstica; continuos cortes de electricidad que obligaban a muchos a tener radios a bateria para toder informarse de lo que ocurrÃa afuera del hogar. Algunas largas esperas nocturnas en completa oscuridad junto a su hermana, observando por una ventana siluetas de tanques pasando por la avenida en donde vivÃa es ese entonces y esperando que sus padres aparecieran de la oscuridad, sanos y salvo, luego de un dÃa de trabajo cualquiera. Fue la radio a baterÃa, sintonizada en una emisora clandestina, la que fue dándole los primeros atisbos democráticos a su vida, que será, hasta ahora, su bandera de lucha.
Fueron las iglesia, en ese periodo, el refugio de muchos idealistas que querÃan un cambio. Participó en los coros de la iglesias en su comunidad y con solo 11 años forma parte de un grupo folcklórico-musical "Llacolén" (nombre indigena, que significa Estar Tranquilo), participa en festivales comunales y cuando alcanza los 15 años comienza a participar como solista o con grupos de amigos en encuentros musicales denominados "Peñas", las que eran abiertamente una instancia cultural en oposición al regimen de militar. Como no alcanzaba la mayoria de edad, que le permitiera votar, ella sentÃa que esa era su forma de aportar al ideal que en ese momento que perseguia con fuerza; "un cambio"; cambio que se logró en Chile en el año 1988, pasando a consolidarse el regimen democrático que se vive hasta hoy.
Siguió cantando hasta que comienza a estudiar PedagogÃa en Castellano, en la Universidad del BÃo-BÃo. Luego de egresar, ejerse su profesión durante seis años; su padre enferma gravemente y fallece el año 2000, quebrajando, con esto, su nucleo familiar.
El año 2001 llega a Estados Unidos con la intención de comenzar una nueva vida; pero nunca imaginó que serÃa la música, su gran pasión; la que le abrirÃa las puertas en este paÃs. Con sólo seis canciones y una guitarra que no era suya; sin estudios de canto, ni guitarra; con un estilo muy personal y particular, comienzó a abrirse puertas y a ganarse la vida.
Al año de haber llegado participa en festivales latinos y encuentros musicales junto a otros músicos que va conociendo en el camino. Como solista participa en el festival de Millsboro el año 2003 y en el 2005 en Delmarva Chicken Festival. Muestra su musica en la Universidad de Delaware , junto al grupo Katari. Participa en un programa radial en Willmigton en la radioemisora WDEL 1150 AM, el ano 2006, mostrando su música y la música latinoamericana.
En el año 2005, graba su primer disco, en donde recopila canciones de paÃses como Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina y por supuesto de su paÃs natal, Chile; además de exponer un tema original, que se titula Dime y por el cual se titula su producción.
Además de poder desarrollar su música; este paÃs le a dado la posibilidad de desarrollar otro talento, la pintura, que con un sello personal, incluso, a servido de portada en sus producciones.
Su música posee fuerte influencia de la trova cubana, siendo algunos de sus Ãdolos, Silvio Rodriguez, Pablo Milanes, Luis Eduardo Aute; y del folckore latinoamericano en donde destaca la influencia de cantautores como la chilena Violeta Parra, y Patricio Mans, y grupos como Intillimani y Quilapayún. Sus temas van de lo social a lo intimo, jugando con el sonido y con los temas que a veces pueden resultar un poco duros.Se resiste a creer que el mundo es una posibilidad solo para unos pocos y esta fuertemente convencida que cada persona tiene su lugar en este juego que es la vida y que ella le tocó jugar a cantar, y por ello cada vez que canta se entrega por completo, creando, con su voz y su música, una atmósfera de intimidad.