Rider’s Union profile picture

Rider’s Union


About Me

Welcome to the Rider's Union Myspace page. Rider's Union is your source for motorcycle riding gear with brands like Xelement, Hotleathers, Roadvision, Outlaw, Wicked Jester, and much more!Here at Rider's Union we believe in the lifestyle of being a biker, it is not just a punchline to us. I have been riding for most of my life on all makes and models, from old shovelheads to sport bikes, I understand the needs of riders and more importantly the need for solidarity among riders. That's what we are all about, and hence the name Rider's Union was taken. Coming from a Union Pipefitter family has taught me the meaning of solidarity through the years and I pride myself in helping to develop that idea more everyday in Wisconsin's motorcycle scene. I believe it is long overdue. Give us a call 715-669-3249 or stop by, we are located at 105 West Main Street in Thorp, right next to the Three Rivers Vet Clinic.

My Interests

Bikes, whether it's a Ducati or a rat-rod chop job, if it's on two wheels I will be interested.

I'd like to meet:

All riders of all creeds. I love being in the company of fellow wrench heads and gas monkeys. Stop by anytime.


I think "Scars" from Soil is going to be my new theme song.


The Program, any movie that mixes Harleys and Heisman trophies is ok by me.


Whats that one show with the cool bikes? I don't watch TV folks, I live my dreams.


The 1987 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition


Indian Larry, Billy Lane, Big Mike, and a few more.

My Blog

Hear that shit?

That noise in the distance is just the kind of shit your mama been talkin bout. Rider's Union is now an official sponsor for the 2008 Freedom Ride. I will throw more info out on that over the next two...
Posted by Riders Union on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:24:00 PST

Veteran owned, veteran proud

This is just a heads up for all you ladies and gentleman who have worn the uniform and put your ass on the line for this place we call home like myself. Present your military ID card, VA card, or...
Posted by Riders Union on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

More for ya!

Things are progressing nicely here in the Local 715. Yesterday I hung with the boys from Midwest Tattoo and had Jonah carve my left arm some more. Gonna be sick when it's finished. If you haven't had ...
Posted by Riders Union on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 04:23:00 PST

Product Photos

I have started to post photos of some of the gear I am carrying and otherwise have available to me. I will not post prices or availability, however, because both of those are subject to change dependi...
Posted by Riders Union on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 05:50:00 PST