NEKROSIA profile picture


About Me

Nacido a finales del año 2007 de la union de ex-miembros de la banda asturiana de deathmetal STILLBIRTH, Cristian (Voz), Che (Bajo), Tony (Guitarra) y miembros del grupo de thrash asturiano VIBORA, Salva - El Poyo (Bateria) y Samuel (Guitarra), se funda NEKROSIA.
Banda que desde el principio nace con la idea de dar tralla sin ponernos ningun tipo de etiquetas, bebiendo de las fuentes de grupos clasicos del thrash asi como del death melodico. Espera poder presentarse pronto en Directo con una fuerza y unas ganas renovadas y compartir cartel con la mayor cantidad de grupos posibles.
En Abril del 08 el Che (desgraciadamente) deja la banda por motivos personales, sustituyendolo David, antiguo miembro de la primera formación de Stillbirth.
A finales del 2008 Cristian deja la banda entrando en ella AITOR (Syrdhem y Arkham) y MARCOS (Dark project) para sustituirle en las voces. Dos grandes vocalistas que le dan un nuevo aire a los temas de la banda.

Born at the end of the year 2007 of the ex-members' union of the Asturian band of deathmetal STILLBIRTH, Cristian (Voice), Che (Bass), Tony (Guitar) and members of the group of thrash Asturian VIBORA, Salva-El Poyo (Battery) and Samuel (Guitar), is founded NEKROSIA.
Band that from the beginning it is born with the idea of giving whip-lash without putting ningun on type of etiquettes, drinking from the sources of classic groups of the thrash like that like from the melodic death. It waits to be able to appear soon directly with a force and a few renewed desires and share cartel with the major quantity of possible groups.
In April, 08 the Che he leaves the band for personal motives, replacing it David, former member of the Stillbirth's first formation.
At the end of 2008 Cristian he leaves the band entering her Aitor (Syrdhem and Arkham) and Marcos (Dark project) to replace him in the voices. Two big vocalists who give him a new air to the topics of the band.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2008
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Record Label: Unsigned

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