My Interests are....Singing, Dancing, Music, Art, (can't draw a circle, but it's cool to look at), Movies, Computers, Electronics, Camaras (one day might become a photographer..who knows?) Modeling, Choreography (yeah I can dance too), Fashion (I set trends), Lovin's more stuff, can't really think about them right now though
One day I'd like to meet....CHRIST.....but before I meet him face to face...I'd probably like to meet Gabriel Union. I kinda look up to her. Oh yeah, and Tira
Banks...Beautiful..and....sence one day I might think of persuing a modeling career, I'd like to one day meet her too. Um....Morris of God's Greatest Works of art....I'd love to meet him along with Shamar Moore....But...those are the people I'd like to meet. But we all know..... Celebrities are regular people too, They just have more money than us!
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Love Gospel, Jazz, R&B, some Rap...but that killin ppl and smokin my brain cells away stuff ain't cool....I'm what you call eclecticEclectic, what's that mean?Plug ya box in it gives u power, Stupidnot electric, Eclectic StupidOkay okay, when I say eclectic i mean I like all types of music, jazz rockin roll, rap...but my favorite, my all time favorit are the girl groups from the fifties and sixties.....SISTER ACT II (for those that didn't know)
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Favorite movies, as you probably already found out are: Sister Act (both), Lean on Me, The Color Purple, Introducing Dorthy Dandrige, The emporor's new groove, iRobot, Robotz, RoboCop (all of em), Terminator (all of them too), Star Wars ( every one of 'em), As you guys can see, i either like old movies, or robot stuff!....don't be mad cause I'm diverse
When I do get a chance out of my busy, busy day, I like to watch, Martin, Fresh Prince of BelAir, America's next Top Model, Bernie Mac Show, The simpsons, Family Guy, Cooking Shows, and shows that be on the health channel that show the working out and stuff like that.
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What Makes You Attractive? by QuizMasterOfTheWorld
First Name
Middle Name
Favorite Color
Boys/Girls think of you as: hot
Your best feature is/are: your hair
What makes you hot? your booty
What makes you sexy? what you say
What makes you cute? your smile
What makes you beautiful? your heart
What makes you irresistable? your body attractive are you? 65%
Jesus Christ is my Number One Hero. He Saved me! My best friend Ashley Saved me one time too, in return because I saved her once....She swears out I didn't save her...but deep down inside, she knows i did. um...And, my Mom, she's saved me from growing up like a hood rat, and teaching me about life.
**~Long Survey~** (w/ good grammar and decent, unique questions)
The Basics and Some Personals
Name:: Drechir
Age:: 17
Shoe Size:: 7 1/2
Height:: 5 7
Pants Size:: 8
Shirt Size:: small! lol
Innie or Outie?: innie
Love Questions
Are you in Love?: no
Are you single or taken?: single
If single, for how long?: since like december
If taken, for how long?:
If taken, by whom?:
Do you like guys or girls?: guys
What do you think about Sporty guys?: their good
Smart?: great
Popular?: depends on what their popular for
Your Favorites
Kind of Food:: Sushi
Color:: green
Song:: I want it all back
Band:: Green Day
Singer:: beyonce'
CD:: Victory Live
Kind of Music:: Gospel
Animal:: Frog
Place to be?: in his will
Vacation spot:: bahamas
Actor:: boris kojo
Actress:: Gabriel Union
Comedian:: Kat Williams
Soap Opera:: don't like them
Day Time Talk Show:: maury
Game Show:: are you smarter than a 5th grader
All Around Favorite Show:: American Idol/Dancing with the stars/So you think you can dance
Drink:: water i think
Restaurant:: Iron Chef
Number:: 7
Letter:: J
Word:: Oh Naw
Your Short Opinion on..
George W. Bush:: sucks
Gay Marriage:: is an abomination unto GOD
Rocketing Gas Prices:: sucks
Minimum Wage ($6.75):: sucks
Drunk Driving:: is wrong and irrisponcible
Legal Driving Age:: is cool i guess
Anorexia:: is dumb
Mary-Kate and Anorexia:: is dumber than regular anorexia
Lindsay Lohan (18) and her 23-year-old boyfriend:: so?
Young Marriages:: if that's what they want
Young Parents:: ioun know i'm not one
Pregnency without a Marriage:: accidents happen...learn from them
Telemarketers:: suck...they don't call me though
Pop Quizzes:: are alright
This Survey:: is cool
Label Your Friends!
Loudest:: Tierra
Quietest:: ioun know
Nicest:: Kenny
Person who doesn't think before they speak:: Tierra
Outspoken:: Nika
Annoying:: ioun know
Popular or has best chance of becoming popular:: me?
Best Dressed:: Tearna
Worst Dressed:: that's wrong! I'm not gonna put that on myspace
Sweetest:: Jeremy
Giving:: Ebonie
Selfish:: ioun know
Ungrateful:: ioun know
Social Butterfly:: i don't have that many friends...dang
Will be crowned Most Likely to Succeed by their class:: Ashley
This or That
Soda/Punch: Soda
Sour/Sweet: sour
Summer/Winter: winter
Christmas/Thanksgiving: thanksgiving
Easy/Challenging: challenging
Light/Dark: dark
Sun/Moon: moon
TV/Movies: movie
Out with Friends/Out with Family: out with friends and family
Cat/Dog: dog
Penguin/Dolphin: dolphin
Book/Magazine: book
Last Questions about the Survey
Did you like the survey?: it's alright
Would you reccomend it to a friend?: sure
Where will you put your results?: on myspace
Thanks for coming...: ...ur welcome?
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