A few words on my next album entitled “GODZSOLDJAâ€. As a vocalist, although able to, I do not want any of my releases for this project to focus on ghetto fab hip-hop but wish to revert back to my original style; hip-hop that’s blunt, controversial, political, hard hitting, the hip-hop before hip-hop died. I firmly believe that UK hip-hop is the purest form of hip-hop today. I feel these record companies and A and R peoples are sleeping and need to wake up to what’s real.
Attaining glamour and fame are insignificant achievements in comparison to appealing to true heads who appreciate hip-hop as an art-form and are intrigued by your skill-full display of knowledge; This is power with perception.
My Interests
Member Since: 22/01/2008
Band Website: myspace.com/mitunez