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my name is heather. That's english for 'A beautiful flower It's associated with beauty (speaking without my ego here!)but also with impudence. I'm a very passionate,
opinionated 17 year old student; studying social care n mechanics.I'm 18 in 4 months, which is scary as I still feel like the incompetant five year old caught with her hand in the sweetie jar. I'm about 5'5, slender with short red hair and grey eyes. I'm an English lass, born and bred in windsor ("were the queen lives")
single =) through choice iv been in love twice and love is a losing game witch ends up breaking ♥!
all i can say is fair play to them and its there lose
like some of the finest things in life like
glow sticks ,dirty basslines ,eye candy ,tattoos/ piercings ,diamonds ,designer clothes ,
fast expensive cars , ♥ CHELSEA ♥ ,xbox 360 ,make-up ,boxing ,
♥ HUGS / KISSES ♥ of course every one hates somethings in life mine just happen to be what people do =/ ... lies, cheaters, stuck up people, people who think there better than everyone else,
men who think there gods gift, fake girls with fake tans n nails......
to be honest i dont really get on with the majority of the female population, girls just bore me, where as guys just cut the bullshit. Although I'm actually pretty damn cool.I enjoy a social life through Stella Artois =) ....i have had some wicked times, great pics and meet some fab new mates =)..