Ok, I need to write something about me :)I will try to be not too fancy but ME :)
When I came into this world my survival was against all odds. Right there in the hospital the doctors were saying that I will not live because I was born two months premature. My mother would look at my little frail hands and say with love “You will be playing the piano with these fingers.†Those words of faith spoke into my life, like a prayer. Thank you Mom Jan! I don't know how to thank God for giving me a mother like you!Well, I don't even remember, but my musical adventures began at the age of three when I started singing and playing the piano for my family well before I could even make full sentences. I remember that would put a big chair so my feet would not hang in the air playing the piano, All I remember is I used to come home with gifts and candies after singing at our neighbors' homes, I was the LITTLE ENTERTAINER, and loved to make people laugh and smile with singing and dancing around :)
It soon became evident that God was getting me ready for a calling in music. I had no CHOICE of what to become, but knew and knew I AM A MUSICIAN!
People were surprised, “how you could be so musical,†and they would say, â€It must be God given.†Sure it IT!
I would improvise and play all the songs from my nursery and perform in the kindergarten, later giving concerts around Armenia as a pianist. I always knew there was a God, and His hand was protecting me since I was a child.I graduated with a Masters Degree from the Conservatory of Classical Music in Armenia, playing the music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and others by memory. Though I always liked pop music, but we were not allowed to play any POP but Classical music at our specialized music school I studied for 18 years!
At the age of nineteen, I started performing daily piano solos at the world-renowned Burj Al Arab, the worlds only seven star hotel located in the world class city of Dubai. Again God would do amazing things with my music, I had 5 amazing years of piano performing for thousands of people. so blessed!
From many stories that I have performing at the Burj, I would like to share one of them.
There was a Sheikh from Saudi Arabia who used to come couple of times a year and stay at the Burj. He would come to listen to my playing, and cry, and tear. He had no idea about my being Christian, or anything about my music inspired by God, then he would ask me" Why every time I listen to your play, it is like seeing all my sins and asking God to forgive me, so I come here to CLEANSE my heart with your music". I was blessed and honored to serve to someone's heart with my music and allow God to change something in their heart with no words or preaching, but just Music!In October 2004, I married my Canadian husband, Jason Gibb. We decided to marry on the 3rd day after we met. I know, if someone told me 7 years ago that I would decide to marry someone after seeing him on the 3rd day, I would say YOU MUST BE CRAZY! But well, never judge someone as you might be in the same situation :) God's ways are not like ours. I just knew it was HIM by the peace and GREEN LIGHT in my heart:) The little still voice of my heart just whispered" This is your husband!" :))
We had no time to date as we both lived in different continents, so we decided to DATE after we marry, and basically after 10 days, next time met at our wedding :) I am still dating him and will date till our last breath on this earth! The ceremony took place in a 1400-year-old church near my birthplace of Yerevan, Armenia. By the way, if you don't know about Armenia, I must tell it is the FIRST Christian Country to accept Christianity in 301! We have the amazing history, amazing people, the best apricot in the world, one of the most amazing instruments that I love DUDUK, thousands churches, and hey, for the rest why don't you take a tour and enjoy yourself this blessed ancient country called ARMENIA?
After marrying Jason, he helped me compose more and more, getting out of the CLASSICAL MUSIC RULES AND BOXES I was used to, all the songs that have been in my heart I started to compose and write more and more. What kind of music it was? I don't know, I wrote them in times of hope and lose, happiness and lose, Darkness and Faith. Some songs were born while asleep, some in the shower, some I had to wake up and write them down so I don't lose the theme.In 2006, I moved to Canada and started to work on my first original compositions and recordings, which became my instrumental debut album called "Drop Of Love," released in 2007.The amazing nature of Canada and British Colombia are the main inspiration for these tunes, mixed with the love towards my loving husband and amazing Mom Jan. If you don't know what JAN means, it is a word in Armenian we use when you love someone kind of DEAR, DARLING, SWEETHEART, etc.I am a singer, songwriter and musician, who wants to deliver the message of the gospel in my songs. Gospel music about love for Jesus and family, my songs reflect on my most cherished faith and beliefs.I am currently in the studio recording my upcoming original debut vocal album entitled "Come To Jesus." The title track of the album, “Come To Jesus†and the pop single “I’ll Dance For You†were recorded in spring of 2008 with talented producers in Vancouver, these songs invite the listeners to love more, to embrace God, have fun and never give up faith and DANCE FOR HIM!I am incredibly blessed and long to see our young generation rise up for God and find the true purpose in life. In July 2007, this mission for us has taken on a higher purpose, as we happily welcomed our first baby named Johnny into the world.
SO I am a mother, a wife, a warrior, a musician, and the most important a child of GOD every single day!I pray to work together for the name of Jesus and the kingdom of God... and welcome you to join us in songs of praise and worship. Worship Him by our lives and every single breath we take.
Well, I don't know how my bio turned out, hope you got a bit of my life to know about.
so Be blessed for coming, be blessed for reading, be blessed for listening, I really appreciate it.Love and hugs,Jasmin
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