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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 26, Married to my gorgeous wife Angela(lots more pictures on her page!) for 3 years (been together since '99). We have a beautiful little girl Aurora Sachi Ward born on Jan. 30 2005. We had moved to St. Augustine for a few years lived a charming little cottage in Crescent Beach, but finding that it wasn't feasible to raise a family paying for a beach house we decided to buy a house in Pomona Park. I've done lots of different jobs, I've been a professional painter (still am on occasion), door-to-door salesman(shitty), chemical plant laborer and forklift operator(dangerous), but i always go back to cooking it pays well and restaurants tend to be very accommodating if they want to keep you. I've worked at several St. Augustine restaurants, I'm at Salt Water Cowboys right now been there for 5 years or so. If you ever come out that way give me a message and i'll make you VIP.I enjoy traveling more than anything else really. Flying is nice and quick but I'd really rather take the car. I just gave up the turbo V-Dub in favor of the more environmentally friendly (and hopefully more reliable :( )Toyota Prius. So far i've been averaging 60 mpg and putting out near zero emissions. Very nice!I've been all up and down the east coast, down through south florida, a Bahamian cruise, and I just finished a huge 6000 mile road trip from florida to colorado and back. We packed the car full, strapped in the child, loaded up the dog and visited 17 states in about 3 weeks, all back roads, seeing canyons and hot springs and all manner of strangeness that can only be experienced on the open road fueled by red bull and doritos.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who really believes they can make a difference

My Blog

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