clotheS...SHoeZ..MAKe-Up...anything a typical kikay chiCK wouLd Be Into.....
nice question!.... wel, i would like to meet BRADD PITT, JAY HERNANDEZ, JOKO DIAZ,and last but not least MARSHALL MATHERS...YUMMY!!!
rNb, HiPHoP,Slow Jamz... actually I ListEn To anYthIng!! it ALL depenDs oN my MooD
mOvieZ thaT geT me RoLLing...or the type of moVies that get me "KILIG"....
boy meets world, friends, THE OSBOURNS. ...single! MYX.... E!... (the list g0es on....)
SoRRy I Not the bOOkwOrm kinD of ChicK...=(
of c0urse the 0ne and 0nLy BATMAN....hehehehehe