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Patricia Passo

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..COME TO BRASIL THIS SUMMER AND SUBMERGE IN THE DANCE OF THE HAND OF PATRICIA PASSO...THIS AUGUST INTENSIVE COURSES. VENTE A BRASIL ESTE VERANO Y SUMERGETE EN LA DANZA DE LA MANO DE PATRICIA PASSO...ESTE AGOSTO CURSOS INTENSIVOS..ALCHEMY OF MOVEMENTS Oriental Fusion Dance is the integration of related elements, co-existing in dance with the objective of salving a unique dance, where distinct ancestral energies are combined in a harmonic form. These dances belong to a time long ago, when women would dance to celebrate life, for the sake of honouring their gods, creating odes to survival with their bodies, provoking awakenings of sensations, to communicate and above all, using dance as an instrument to reach immortality.This alchemy of movements is fruit of the serpentine universe, characteristic for femininity. It talks to us of the infinite movements of the pelvic circle, characteristic for classic Arabic dance, of Roma authenticity and carelessness, the perfect connection between body and mind omnipresent in India, of the vividness of Flamenco dance…The creation of this innovative dance method pretends to make these ritual and ethnic dance forms accessible.This dance can bring the Orient closer to the Western world, transcending cultural barriers. Through a coherent fusion of concepts used in ancient dance, it seeks to recover a legacy. Oriental Fusion searches for leftovers of movements apparently lost in time, to reconstruct them and take them into the present, fixing them as the basis of an ever evolving language of dance, which led to the creation of artistic dance, always in motion.fotos de los espectáculos de la compañía ..

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Member Since: 21/01/2008
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Band Members: ESPECTÁCULO "FEMME" ..FUSION-ART EN BOLLYMADRID IIBOLLYMADRID 2009 vino cargado de novedades para superar el listón del año pasado con un programa de eventos que incluyeron conciertos, espectáculos de danza, jornadas gastronómicas, donde acudieronn más de 30.000 personas!!!!!.ESTA VEZ PARTICIPAMOS POR SEGUNDO AÑO CONSECUTIVO!! ACTUAMOS LOS DÍAS 5 Y 6 DE JUNIO a las 20,00 h.En la plaza Agustín Laravídeo promocional del espéctaculo de danza de Patricia Passo y Colleena Shakti RED LOTUS
Influences: FUSION ART La Fusión como filosofía de vida ahora al alcance de todos!! Un nuevo espacio artístico y académico en la zona de Madrid. En un edificio de Ópera sobre las ruinas árabes de Madrid y frente al Palacio Real, se inaugura FUSION ART, un espacio de integración de Oriente y Occidente a través del arte. Compañía de Danza Patricia Passo FUSIONART.. NATACHA "CABEZAS"
Compañía Patricia Passo
Record Label: Unsigned

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