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About Me

Who is a Sexual Abuse Survivor and How Do we Begin to Heal?
Sexual abuse survivors are a group of individuals who have had their ability to enjoy sexuality as a sacred, life-enhancing experience violated as a result of sexual abuse.
We believe that sexual abuse encompasses a broad range of experiences, and while some might have been subtle, some were all-too graphic. Yet, in each experience, no matter what end of the continuum our experience falls upon, our core personal integrity was violated. A shattering of our worth, our dignity and self-esteem occurred.
Our experience includes the following forms of sexual exploitation.
· Incest
· Rape, including date and marital rape
· Prostitution, all forms of the sex industry including performing in porn or website productions
· Sexual harassment
· Verbal sexual assault
· Molestation
· Inappropriate exposure to overly graphic sexual content in all arenas including the following: Internet, porn, magazines, or, forced to watch, or listen to, parents and or caregivers engaged in sexual activities
· Priest or any other authority figure sexual abuse
· Domestic and/or verbal violence where we are threatened with harm if we do not perform sexually.
All sexual abuse is destructive to the victim, the perpetrator, and the entire community. There is no form of sexual abuse that can be tolerated—it is all unacceptable.
Healing The Split
As sexual abuse survivors, we let the power of the group help us heal what we call “The Split.” The split is our tendency to disassociate from our bodies during the sexual act. The split is a psychological phenomenon. To survive the abuse, we suspend high above the experience. It is now scientifically proven that children who are being abused leave their bodies. Here are a few more terms for “The Split.”
· Disassociation
· Freezing or numbing emotions
· Blocking out periods of time
· An inability to live in the moment
· Anxiety attacks
From this impaired perspective, without the awareness that recovery brings, we are locked into self-destructive patterns. For example, we might project the experiences of victimization onto our sexual experience. Perhaps sex has become an act, or something we feel is expected of us. We learned from our perpetrators that we were expected to “produce” on demand, and that we didn’t have the right to say no.
Whatever our personal experiences might have been, as we participate in the recovery process, we learn that we do have the right to define our sexual experience in our own best interests. In the safety of our group, we will learn together how to make healthier choices with regards to our personal relationships and sexuality. We begin to set new boundaries, or choose a time of abstinence to allow ourselves to heal. By listening to other survivor’s stories, we have the opportunity to become whole, to heal the split. As Survivors In Recovery, we tell our stories as one of the methods of re-integration.
Those dark secrets that we kept buried deep within can come out. Once exposed to the sunlight of the spirit, our dark past becomes an asset that helps us bond with other survivors. We find new ways to experience our sexuality that empowers and is life-enhancing. We become whole.
Sexual Abuse Survivors Anonymous ©2002 All Rights Reserved

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My Blog

Anne Bissell on the Tyra Banks Show Wed. March 25th

Anne Bissell appears on tyra banks show march 25th weds
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 21:33:00 GMT

Our First Point of Contact

Announcing our newest site: Additional sites sexualabusesurvivors.comsexindustrysurvivors.comthesilverbra Thse are all our sites....
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:51:00 GMT

USA: Sex Industry Survivors/Los Angeles Commission on the Status of Women

Sex Industry Survivors (,in collaboration with the Los Angeles Commission onthe Status of Women, will be featured on the KCETprogram, "Life and Times," this Wednesday, Apri...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 22:00:00 GMT

Survivors of Sexual Violence Day/Your Story

Are you a victim of sexual violence? We believe sexual violence, like the silver braid, has three partsdomestic violence, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation/ and or prostitution, including traf...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 00:56:00 GMT

Workshop explores prevalence of child abuse

By EVE BYRON - Independent Record - 11/09/08 Sexual abuse of children is a topic few people like to think about, but it was the focus of a workshop Saturday in Helena. Detective Craig Campbell of the ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:49:00 GMT

The forgotten victims of prostitution

ON LINE  opinion  - Australia's e-journal of social and political debate The forgotten victims of prostitution By Jehane SharahPosted Wednesday, 12 November 2008 The International Day of ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:37:00 GMT

Here are a few statistics I found while doing research

How many children are victims of online sexual exploitation? According to the latest online victimization research, Approximately one in seven youth online (10 to 17-years-old) received a sexual so...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:31:00 GMT

For Help Understanding the issue of Sexual Exploitations

For Help Understanding the issue of Sexual Exploitation, Sexual abuse, and the Sex Industry, here are some helpful resources.   Anne Bissell "Memoirs of a Sex Industry Survivor" www.annebissell.c...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 23:17:00 GMT

About Operation Silver Braid/START A MEETING IN YOUR CITY

The Operation Silver Braid Web Portal will allow us to bring together all the resources that will enable us to help the greatest amount of survivors of sexual exploitation. The Operation Silver Braid...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:47:00 GMT

What kind of addictions to you suffer with?

Do any of you suffer from any type of addictions that stem from thesexual abuse you endured and or from working in the industry?
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 23:17:00 GMT