daniel weiß (luxophon)
nikolaus neuser (trumpet)
luxator was founded in 2007 by daniel weiß and nikolaus neuser. in the free improvised music of luxator the analog electronic generated sounds of the luxophon meet a sometimes unconventionel played trumpet .
the luxophon was created by daniel weiß in 2001 based on the solar sound modules by ralf schreiber. the trumpet was invented some time before. the oldest trumpets date back to 1500 BC and earlier. The bronze and silver trumpets from tutankhamun..s grave in Egypt, bronze lurs from Scandinavia, and metal trumpets from China date back to this period.
in der frei improvisierten musik luxators treffen die analog elektronisch generierten Klänge des von daniel weiß entwickelten luxophons auf eine bis zu ihren grenzbereichen und darüber hinaus gespielten trompete, in der klanglichkeit und interaktion radikal priorität genießen.