Email the Band - [email protected]
They are not concerned about trends, fashion or what sounds good in any one month. They refuse to follow; instead, they create their own drive.
Think about the sound of heavy chiming guitars and beautiful raw power, loud and consuming. Think about why you love powerful, epic british indie, fast hi hats, pounding kicks, edgy bass and the band with their heads down really going for it.
When you finally see them play live, prepare to be shocked into loving them. Laptop apples will glow, analogue pedals will hum but you will see raw passion and power in glorious handfuls. These are songs about love, about pain and about the weird things in between.
"Beautiful, epic atmospheric soundscapes topped with chiming guitars" - Plymouth Herald
"This is a small band with a big, epic, swelling sound that just sucks you in and refuses to let go" - Sal, New York Blogger
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