Our family has recently adopted a pug who was rescued by a friend of ours. This poor guy - who goes by the name -"Pug Pug"- had been kept outside by his 83 year old owner. He was always outside, regardless of the weather, and always tied to a pole in this person's front yard.
The man admitted to my friend that he had no business having Pug Pug & gave her to him. His eyes were covered with dirt & a mucus like discharge which had them essentially caked shut. She has been putting warm compresses on his eyes to get all of the debris out. His eyes are cloudy and she thinks he is going blind. Although she cleaned his eyes out, he still needs to see a vet. She thinks he sees shapes and shadows, but he has bounced off a few things trying to get around her house. He was also INFESTED with fleas & his water bowl was covered in algae. He is SWEET, just the nicest little guy. We are taking him in & I am going to do whatever I can for him. We are quite sure that he going to need extensive care & possible surgery on his eyes. We will know more next week. Please donate if you can, anything will help. I will keep everyone updated!!!!! Also, we will be at the pug meetup on Saturday if you would like to meet Pug Pug, his guardian angel Sonya:] & I! Below is a pic of Pug Pug - he is such a handsome guy!:) Thanks so much! - Lisa
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, people with treats, otherpugs & u!THIS PUG!George Bush :
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The Distillers, Clutch, Beastie Boys (duh), The Clash, The Rolling Stones,ADD FELIX TUCKER & THE BMFB!!!! - CHAS IS HOT!,
ADD THE PUG UGLIES!Social Distortion, Guano ApesDaddy with Beastie waiting for Trick Or Treaters:]! MAIZY !- BEASTIE'S MOM - My Mother dressed her up as a cow:] MOO
MIB 1 & 2, Milo & Otis
The Tao Of Pug
My Mom & Dad******************************************************
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