"Be the change in the world you want to see."
David Browning is a friendly singer/songwriter who moonlights as a medical doctor in the third world. He can also juggle while balancing a tablespoon on his nose. He writes, performs, records and produces his own stuff, nice - and if you're reading this, you're probably listening to it. Cool. Come visit this place regularly cause you'll be surprised, maybe - there's new stuff coming soon and it's gonna rock!When he was young, he was perhaps a little too influenced by his favourite song:
!!I am a music man, I come from far away and I can play
"What can you play?"!!
He plays the piano.
He plays the violin.
He plays the guitar.
He plays the ukelele.
He plays the concert flute.
He plays the harmonica.
He plays synthetic bass lines.
He is a music man, he comes from far away and he can play. And he can play. For more information or to book live performances contact David Browning's agent at
[email protected]