PUFF [ wwxd ] profile picture

PUFF [ wwxd ]

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

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- Xena is my biggest obsession. I am an Amazon Warrior. -
- I am an Auntie to an Eagle and a Star -
- I couldn't live without music, but I couldn't live without colours either. -
- Shane is hot
! Bette is hotter :P -
- DC = Delusions of Granduer -
- I love console games, and I kick ass -
- Trading Cards = My Chocolate - Currently Pokemon -
- I wear tape around my wrists with random words/names written on it, just so I can say i'm as cool
as Pimp James -

I'm 27 and I work at one of the many EB Games stores here. It allows me to be crazy and out there and generally have fun whilst working in the gaming world with a group of people who rock. I love my EB family!
I adore my family and friends, and like everyone else in the world, believe I am a Queen among them. The ones that I hold in my heart know that I would move Heaven and Earth for them should they ask.

atreyu, breaking benjamin, eascape the fate, fleetwood mac, guns n roses, him, linkin park, meatloaf, pink, story of the year, uh huh her
tattoos, rainbows, cartoons, soccer, photo editing, movies, night-time, wolves, ladybugs, dragonflies, stars, david eddings
my lip piercing and my hair, currently pink, green, and yellow
About me's in general! They never show the real person. Add me and get to know me :)
MSN - inkypuff@hotmail.com
Yahoo - inkypuff