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jay ann

I am here for Friends

About Me

LeMmE gIvE y’All SoMeThIn’ BoUt’ Me I'm A jOLLy GaL, YoU CaN't CaTcH mE FrOwNiNg oR WeArInG mAd FaCe, Fo' ReAL, MaYbE OnCe iN A BlUe MoOn.EvEn SoMeOnEs fOoLiNg wid moi I still LaUgH aT ThEm, ThOuGh It AnNoYs Me A bIt, BuT iT’s ALL gOoD, cUz I dOn’T kNoE hW tA’ GeT mAd, ThOgH sOmEtImEs I Do, BuT still nO eFfEcT aT aLL, iT seems I’m NoT mAd, HuH?!,…kInDa WeIrD. anyway, I dOn’T gEt ThAnG’s To HaRd AnD hEaVy Fo’ Me,, *namsayin*? So If SoMeOnEs MeSsIn Up WiTh Me, ExPeCt Me Ta’ LauGh At Ya’, BuT nEvAh EvAh SaY sOmEtHiN’ aGaInSt Me, LiKe StUbBiNg Me At MaH back spreading SoMe GoSsIpS that aIn’T tRuE, iF yAh DiD I TeLL yOu, ImA kick Ya’ UgLy AsS oUtTa MaH fAcE, aNd YoU’LL eNd Up LyIn’ On ThA’ sTrEeT, dOn’T mEsS uP wItH mE tHaT mUcH, cUz PeOpLe DoEsN’t KnOe YeT hOw Am I wHeN I’m MaD. MaNy FuCkIn’ LIERS... PeAcE oUt ...

My Interests

red stuffs, pucca, i love texting, hanging out wid mah' friends, surfin' d net and i love chocolate....heheheh

I'd like to meet:

Hip Hop is...It is culture. It is non-conformity. It is freedom. It is youth. It is independence. It is you, me, him, her, and us. It is graffiti. It is breaking and popping. It is rhyming. It is djayin. It is beat boxin. It is dope.Hip Hop means the whole culture of the movement.. When you talk about rap.. Rap is part of the hip hop culture (the emceeing).. The djaying is part of the hip hop culture. The dressing, the languages, are all part of the hip hop culture. The break dancing, the b-boys, b-girls .. How you act, walk, look, talk are all part of hip hop culture.. And the music is colorless.. Hip Hop music is made from black, brown, yellow, red, white.. Whatever music that gives you the grunt, that funk, that groove or that beat.. It's all part of hip hop... Hip hop is the way of portraying skills, creativeness, teaching righteousness and feeding the listeners with knowledge of self."Hip hop is the culture from which rap emerged. Initially it consisted of four main elements; graffiti art, break dancing, dj (cuttin' and scratching) and emceeing (rapping). Hip hop is a lifestyle with its own language, style of dress, music and mind set that is continuously evolving. Nowadays because break dancing and graffiti aren't as prominent the words 'rap' and 'hip hop' have been used interchangeably. However it should be noted that all aspects of hip hop culture still exists. They've just evolved onto new levels."


hip hop, Rnb and love songs...Video code provided by Music Video Codes


i hate reading books...!

My Blog

what am i gonna do by tyrese

Yeah, heh, all these I've wanting you in my life, And now I finally have you. I'm a do everything in my strength to keep you near. I care about you, I just want to make you smile. All the many d...
Posted by jay ann on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Let me love you by Mario

Baby I just don't get it Do you enjoy being hurt? I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt You don't believe his stories You know that they're all lies Bad as you are ,you stick a...
Posted by jay ann on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hip hop starts at....

> It all started in the summer of 1973 in New York City... A young man named Kool Herc, having come from Jamaica three years earlier, began spinning in the parks in the South Bronx... What made Herc d...
Posted by jay ann on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

jayann means...

JJuicyAAmbivalentYYummyAAmorousNNoisyNNaughtyName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com Green You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peacefu...
Posted by jay ann on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST