"My reality is brighter than ya' dreams are"
FAITH. Patience . Courage.DC is my REAL fam.<3"She's the kinda girl that doesn't come along very often. She's learned to be happy by counting her blessings.She's the kinda girl that DOESN'T need any nigga, cus she knows she's blessed with or WITHOUT him. She's a keeper with a player's mind , but ' shawty's a ryyyda ' when she DOES have that person. She's the kinda girl that drowns herself in music as a way to let all her feelings OUT. She puts others before herself, but doesn't let ANYONE take her for granted. She's real with her shit...& that's what makes her DIFFERENT from other girls out there. And with all the shit she's been thru, she stays positive and tries to help others. She's the kinda girl that DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUUUCK about what YOU think, as long as SHE'S happy and she gots her family and homies. She always says "If you don't like it, then you can SUCK MY DICK!!" So all ya'll bitches and niggas that HATIN', ya'll can suck her dick. haha! Real talk tho, she's one of the REALEST chicks i know. And she's fuckin DOOOOOOWN lol [; I know she has my back and i always got hers too. This girl is the SHIT and you're fuckin LUCKY if you know her. She's one of a kind and you won't find another girl like her out there [= f'reals.
Like she says all the time '' It is what it iss .'' Accept it or not, but there's NO ONE like her. She says she's "often immitated, NEVER duplicated." And that's true. She's the kinda girl that will riiiide til the wheels fall OFF. i love this girl. Throw down for her any day.
- ya homie BrazzyWaazyy [;
.^^^^ this is how i KNOW i'm loved :D