About Me
Ive always been on this music ting, my mum having been a DJ for 20 years, and a vinyl junkie for about 30 years. I used to go to the Y2K 90.6 studio in north london with her every week. I remember going to 1 of her gigs in finsbury park when i was about 8, and that was where i learnt about raving. The 1st time i wrote a lyric i was about 8 or 9, my mum took me studio 1 day and I wrote a lyric about people smokin drugs and fighting over girls....
Then I was 13 before I wrote anymore lyrics, that was when grime started to get big on the scene. I used to get inspiration from Dizzee Rascal, Wiley and D Double E mainly, and I would spit to ma mates in school. I also got inspiration from the things that used to go on out on the roads, writing about shotting, burglaries and all kinds of street crime.
Then I started to get into Drum n Bass. I started raving when i was 14, the 1st rave i went to was Raindance, the 1 after their 14th birthday, and I remember being so scared of getting my drink spiked by someone! That was when my perception on music changed. I started to go to the big Drum n Bass raves like Innovation, 1 Nation, Hysteria and Breaking Science. A few times I bought tickets and got turfed at the door, which used to piss me right off, but I eventually figured a way round it.
Then it became a weekly thing, every week me and my girls would be somewhere in london getting our grooves on. Because I became such a regular raver, most of the nightclubs stopped IDing me, so I didnt have to worry about getting in. I remember for my 16th birthday going to the carnival weekend special, Innovation In The Sun Reunion, followed by 1 Nation carnival rave the next day. It was such a serious weekend, thats when I decided to start going raving whatever the circumstances. I would have never gone raving without one of my girls before, but then I started to go with just the boys and thats when I started to make a lot of new friends. I made loads of my friends that I have now from the raving scene, including my sparring partner, Lady Blazer.
As soon as I turned 17, I started going raving by myself, knowing that I would see at least 1 person I knew at every rave without a doubt. I found it a bit easier like that because I wasnt running around looking for my mates all the time, going to the toilet every 10 minutes (you know what girls are like) and worrying about if everyone was OK.
I became good mates with Lady Blazer, then I found out she MCed. I would see her in raves and start brockin out with her. I remember bumpin into her in a rave once and she was spitting in the toilet, and that gave me inspiration to start writing again. The next day I wrote a lyric, and a few weeks later I sprayed it to her in the toilets in Bagleys, at Best of British in December 2007. She said I was a sick lyricist and i should keep writing, so I did.
I done my 1st radio set just before Christmas, with MCs Deeza and Kid, and DJs Addict and Remedy. I wasnt supposed to be on the set, but I told dem I could spit and they let me jump on. I was so nervous at 1st, I didnt wana make a complete arse of myself, but it actually turned out really good and it also got me my 1st gig, in Hastings, at Deezas Birthday Bash. I started to write loads of lyrics then, because I had only been writing for about a month and I wanted to make sure I had a whole load of lyrics to choose from when I done the gig.
Since then, Ive been doing radio shows all over the south of England, Ive featured on Cyndicut, Cyndicut Express, Pyroradio and done sets with some big names in the game such as Funsta, Harry Shotta, Ruffstuff, Cabbie and Jayline. Now me and Deeza are together and are bringing out the "Bonnie&Clyde" series from December 2008, download Volume 1 right here or watch out for it on road!!! Volume 2 coming REAL SOON!!!
To All Promoters: Feel no way to holla at me!!!!
Blazin Starz Feat MC HIC
mc starz at www.ukflow.tv-video 2
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