Hello,my name is Christina.I live in Croatia,little beautiful country.I have a lot of wishes.I wanna be profesional photographer.I started to make first photographs long time ago,but last year I seriously started to make photos.I started publishing my photos on internet.I hope that one day,somebody will see my work.Except photos i play piano.I just...express my feelings and play.I also love drawing.I do some strange,unexplained,complicated drawings.That's just my way of living...I am not so cold or strict.I am a bit weirdo.I listen nu-metal and gothic.My favoutire band is Otep.My style of clothing is strange too but I like it.I love books but not school ofc.I love hard books the one that noone understand.So...If you want to know more about me or just talk leave me message or add me on msn.Bye