So basically, I'm probably the worst/best person you will ever meet. I can be nice, I'm pretty entertaining at times, but after 2 weeks of knowing you, I pretty much can't stand you. There are few people that I'm really cool with, you know who you are. If I like you, you're pretty darn special. I hate dramatic people. People that cry about any and everything totally get on my nerves. Those who I'm really good friends with all have one thing in common, they don't stress over simple things. Anyway, I'm a senior at Nimitz Highschool, YES!, but NO! at the same time! I LOVE John Mayer, and Jack Johnson, (they're the deal). I'm sinnngggllleee. Yay me, not lookin though. I have hairy toes, and I sweat WAY too much. How do ya like me now?
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