NSDM - Niedersachsen Death Metal:
Willkommen auf dem offiziellen Niedersachsen Death Metal Myspace Profil!
NSDM bedeuted Niedersachsen Death Metal und nix anderes falls ihr das vermutet.
Auf dieser Seite sollen Death Metal und Grindcore Bands die aus dem brutalen deutschen Norden kommen unterst�tzt werden.
Eure Band kommt aus Niedersachsen? Meldet euch bei uns und supported eurer Nachbarbands - Dann supporten wir euch.
Falls du keine Band hast oder nicht aus Niedersachsen kommst, kannst du uns nat�rlich trotzdem gerne adden und so deinen Support zeigen.
Stay Brutal - NSDM
Welcome to the official Niedersachsen Death Metal Myspace profile!
NSDM means Niedersachsen Death Metal and nothing else!.
On this page death metal and grindcore bands from the brutal german north shall be supported.
Your band comes from niedersachsen? Contact us and support your neighbourbands - then we'll support you.
If you have no band or you aren't from niedersachsen, you even so can add us and show your support to the bands.
Stay brutal - NSDM
Du m�chtest einen Song eurer Band hier im Player sehen? Dann schick uns den Link zur gehosteten MP3 und wir adden ihn zur Playlist!
Weiter unten seht ihr Band-Banner... Eurer k�nnte auch dort stehen! Schickt uns eine message mit Anfrage und Link zum Banner und stellen ihn unten in die Liste.
Desweiteren m�chten wir hier Flyer und Infos zu Live-Shows ver�ffentlichen, also schickt uns den Kram!
You want one of your bands song to be in this player? Message us the link to the hosted MP3 and we add it to the playlist!
Below you see band banners... yours could be there too! Message us the request and the link to the banner and we'll add it to the list below.
In addition we want to presentate flyers and informations about live shows here, so message us the stuff!
We support:
Ebola Beach Party
In Signum
Mental Killing Spree
Divine Noise Attack
Irate Architect
Remain Nameless
The Retailation Process
Bands from Niedersachsen:
Brutal Death / Melodic Death / Death Thrash:
Gorethroat :: http://www.myspace.com/gorethroatfuck
Maggotory :: http://www.myspace.com/maggotory666
Despondency :: http://www.myspace.com/godonacid
Johnston :: http://www.myspace.com/johnstondeathmettaal
Ingurgitated Oblivion :: http://www.myspace.com/ingurgitatingoblivion
Fetocide :: http://www.myspace.com/fetocide
Dead Memories :: http://www.myspace.com/deadmemoriesband
Tears Of Decay :: http://www.myspace.com/tearsofdecay
Minion :: http://www.myspace.com/minion1994
Weak Aside :: http://www.myspace.com/weakaside
Devilman :: http://www.myspace.com/devilmanmetal
Grailknights :: http://www.myspace.com/grailknights
Lunar Eclipse :: http://www.myspace.com/lunareclipse666
Ravage Inc. :: http://www.myspace.com/ravageinc
Craving :: http://www.myspace.com/cravingoldenburg
Sniper :: http://www.myspace.com/snipermetal
Zodiac :: http://www.myspace.com/zodiac
Moder :: http://www.moder-metal.de
D.A.M.N. :: http://www.myspace.com/damnmetal
24give :: http://www.myspace.com/24giveemden
In Signum :: http://www.myspace.com/insignum
Magna Mortalis :: http://www.myspace.com/magnamortalis
Sardonic :: http://www.myspace.com/sardonicmetal
Deny The Urge :: http://www.myspace.com/denytheurge
Vomiting Corpses :: http://www.myspace.com/vomitingcorpses
Distream :: http://www.myspace.com/distream
Battue :: http://www.myspace.com/battue
September Murder :: http://www.myspace.com/septembermurder
Descartar :: http://www.myspace.com/descartar666
Mental Killing Spree :: http://www.myspace.com/mentalkillingspree
The Mistral :: http://www.myspace.com/themistralgermany
Throat-Cut :: http://www.myspace.com/throatcut
Crimson Frost :: http://www.myspace.com/crimsonfrostmetal
Rotten Abcess :: http://www.myspace.com/rottenabscesshh
Irate Architect :: http://www.myspace.com/iratearchitect
Remain Nameless :: http://www.myspace.com/remainnamelesshb
Day Of The Tentacle :: http://www.myspace.com/serviceecke
Sudden And Violent :: http://www.myspace.com/suddenandviolent
HOS :: http://www.myspace.com/hosmetal
Victims of Paranoia :: http://www.myspace.com/vopvictims
The Retaliation Process :: http://www.myspace.com/theretaliationprocess
Echoes of Devastation :: http://www.myspace.com/echoesofdevastation
Igereth :: www.myspace.com/igereth
Hate Embraced :: www.myspace.com/hateembraced
Grindcore / Death Grind / Porngrind:
Grind Fried :: http://www.grindfried.de.vu
Excrementory Grindfuckers :: http://www.myspace.com/theexcrementorygrindfuckers
Gorezone :: http://www.myspace.com/gorezoneinyourface
M�rser :: http://www.myspace.com/moerser1995
Ripped 2 Shreds :: http://www.myspace.com/ripped2shreds
Intestinal Infection :: http://www.myspace.com/IxIx
la Bad Taste :: http://www.myspace.com/labadtaste
K.S.K. :: http://www.myspace.com/kskbouncecore
Decayin Corpse :: http://www.myspace.com/decayincorpse
STOP47 :: http://www.myspace.com/stop47
Ebola Beach Party :: http://www.myspace.com/ebolabeachparty
Meatknife :: http://www.myspace.com/eastfrisiangoregrind
Mac Gyver :: http://www.myspace.com/mac666gyver
Anus Tumor :: http://www.myspace.com/anustumor
Greed Killing :: http://www.myspace.com/greedkillingmusic
Audio Kollaps :: http://www.myspace.com/audiokollaps
Divine Noise Attack :: http://www.myspace.com/divinenoiseattackdeathmetal
Ctulu :: http://www.myspace.com/ctuluband
Galskap :: http://www.myspace.com/galskap
Sanitys Dawn :: http://www.myspace.com/sanitysdawn
Basarab :: http://www.myspace.com/praisetheundead
Friesenblut :: http://www.myspace.com/friesenblut
My Last Days :: http://www.myspace.com/mylastdayshardcore