Video Games, Computers, Art, Self Expression, Music, Walking, Mexican Food, Hiking, Concerts, Theatre, Movies, Exploring, Traveling, Philosophy, Religion, Sex Techniques, Coffee, Dating, New Experiences
New friends... old friends. Extra Points go to any woman that who knows what Amrita is.
Drum and Bass, Electronica, Hip Hop, Industrial Music, Jonny L, Tribe Called Quest, Nine Inch Nails, Jurassic 5, The Roots, Coil, Ministry, 50 Cent, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, Tool, Filter, DJ Food, Chemical Brothers, Fatboy Slim, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Reverand Horton Heat, Sade, Sting, The Police, Jane's Addiction, Norah Jones
The Matrix(original, f*ck the sequels), star wars, spiderman, x-men, city of the lost children, the green mile, Amelie, Real Genius, Crying Freeman, Night Breed
The Sopranos
Michael Keenan, Kurt Cobain, Gandhi, Roger Avery, Clarissa Berkman, Dang Ming Dao, Lao Tzu, Clement Mok, Manuel Clement(mano-one), Linus Torvales, Steve Jobs, Darius Livian, Parviz Livian