Well.. this is supposed to be where I tell you about myself ha? No clue what
to write here, but letz give it a shot..
Well.. my Name is Leo, I’m a retired army officer working as a strategic security adviser aNd the world is my office. MeaNiNg im coNtracted by goverNmeNts, UN aNd other eNtities to provide traiNiNg courses aNd services globally. (IN short everythiNg from security to couNter terrorism.)
I do close protectioN (bodyguard) work also for several major clieNts. I'm employed as the director of traiNiNg for a compaNy called ISA Academy, which is one of the leadiNg aNd most respected compaNies it the trade! So… Now u kNow what I do for a liviNg!
I luv to party aNd have fuN, meet New people aNd experieNce New tiNgs. I have a dog that I love! She is my work compaNioN, but we have a lot of fuN together to!
ONe of my greatest "hobbies" besides track raciNg is to travel aNd see New places, aNd I doN't miNd to go "dowN uNder" ... LOLz ... I love scuba diviNg I meaN... but I love the other too ... hahahaha!
If u really waNNa kNow whaz'up..., Why you doN't buzz me iNstead! Lot'z to tell, so little space!
Catch me if u caN! C y'a!