one ends and the other begins
my time in rome is up but it went off with a boompowbangbopswamkerplinck. basically it was great. me and about 10 other ppl from the hostel went out last night to explore rome with lights. in the nigh...Posted by Midgett on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:43:00 PST
rome is one of the most amazing cities i have ever seen. there is so much going on in this little city and yet there is all this history and im sure dead bodies lying underneth this metropolitan. the ...Posted by Midgett on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 06:17:00 PST
seriously Italy, come on!
i walked into a gellato store to get some of this famed dessert, and pointed at a cone that looked big, thinking in my american mind that °thrifty has scoops for like a dollor° so this one might be li...Posted by Midgett on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 05:17:00 PST
italy started today!
Right now i am in (Firenze) Florence, Italy. and it took a lot to get here. i arrived in Venice this morning at 9am and had to finish everything there by 2 so i could make it out in time to make it to...Posted by Midgett on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:55:00 PST