Wee wee, I must tell you all about me! My proper name eez Mademoiselle Francine and I was born in 1769 in France...of course! My dear sweet mother, Madame Foo Foo, was zee favorite courtesan to King Louis and she taught me everything she knew. I am skilled in zee art of seduction and I love to defile zee most innocent of men...priests...virgin boys...hmm...and husbands (what to they know about sex?) I am so pretty, they cannot resist me! But, my true calling was during zee French Revolution. I was a spy...for both sides! I could seduce any man and get any information from him I wished. And then, he would not walk for days, even years! That is how good I am. I found sex was good with zee rich and zee poor. Let them eat cake...my cake! Anyway, during zee war, I met Grizelda. She eez the Queen of our Evil Sisterhood. It eez a girl gang, as they call it today. She offered me zee gift of Eternal Life, that we should live forever through the Power of Evil. It sounded silly at first, but it eez now zee future, 2008, and I still look as beautiful as ever. Wee wee! My criminal specialty eez sexual offender and zee wreaking of havoc upon zee private lives of everyone I meet. It eez so fun! I love to be an Evil Sister! (Learn more about Frenchy at: www.myevilsistersmovie.com or check out scenes on YOUTUBE under MY EVIL SISTERS)
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