75,000 BC
Earliest human altars, including evidence of prehistoric bear-cult.
10,000 BC
The domestication of the dog
6,000 BC
Catal Huyuk cave-drawings depict leopard men hunting
2,000 BC
Epic of Gilamesh written down (first literary evidence of werewolves)
850 BC
Odyssey written down (including werewolf beliefs)
500 BC
Scythians recorded as beliving the Neuri to be werewolves
400 BC
Damarchus, Arcadian werewolf, said to have won medals at olympia
100 - 75 BC
Virgil’s eight ecologue (first witnesed voluntary transformation of a werewolf
600 AD
Saint Albeus (Irish) said to have been suckled by wolves, and to be a werewolf
617 AD
Wolves said to have attacked heretical monks.
First major outbreak of the Black Death
Swiss woman tried for riding a wolf
Paduan werewolf dies after having arms, legs and head cut off
"I was a Teenage Werewolf" Film
Shamdeo discovered living among wolves in India
Surawicz and Banta publish first two modern cases of lycanthopy
The Wolfman arrested and charged as werewolf, sentanced to life in Broadmoor, Death of Shamdeo, "Teen Wolf" Film Released.
The Wolfman escapes from Broadmoor, remains at large
Canadian Werewolf is born when band members Lassie Lipstick, Benji Furburger, Rex Rabies, and Cujo Silverbullet inadvertantly meet while slaughtering a group of kids at a punk rock show. The event is known as the "My Chemical Romance Massacre"