Learning. I am currently attending college and studying religion and mathematics and someday I hope to pursue a career in astrophysics.
Anyone interesting enough I can have a conversation with and not get distracted.
I bet that makes you feel old! Or, really young.
My taste in music is very eclectic. James Taylor to Queens of the Stoneage, Otis Redding to Danzig and all kinds of shit in between, concrete blonde and maroon five, love em'. I think I'd have to say motown is my fav but Madhouse Gossip rocks my fuckin sox off!
I love movies that scare the shit outta me or give me a creepy feelin on the back of my neck, ya know, like somethins right behind you. It's hard to find a really good scary movie. I also love movies that make me laugh hysterically.
I love all books but I must admit I am a devoted Harry Potter fan. I've read them all, more than once and every time I catch some little detail I missed before.
Anyone who can quit smoking and exercise on a daily basis.