About Me
Things I love; my kids, Texting Tony, my mom, my sisters, my friends, my "sisters" in pharmacy, cool introductions, the cat, my cat, books, wading, music, hiking, interesting people, random roadtrips starting at midnight, chicago, guitarists from scotland, football, thunderstorms, buffy, candlelight, state parks, opt's, the redwings, coffee, angel, movies, vodka, house, autumn, an old cemetery, eating, red shoes, ripped tights, dark thoughts, a well-turned phrase, jeeps, few inhibitions,lazy days off,the cubs,anita blake:the vampire hunter,ambling thru museums, the ocean, a picture worth a 1000 words,a heated debate,
Tobe's tree,watching Carolynn sleep, Josie's laugh, Cole's smile,Joshua's random raps, Aaron's heart,.......Charles' shoulder,Tim's dark observations,Bob's voice.......