YARN OVER MOVEMENT formerly diyknits profile picture

YARN OVER MOVEMENT formerly diyknits

About Me

hand knits, & original knitting patterns
COMING SOON* cable scarves, cowls,caplets &
fingerless mitts w/ button closures
reversible handknit ribbed beret ,
"this reversible hand knit beret is my favorite wardrobe
item at the moment. its just too easy, in a hurry throw
on this beret over your wet hair, some tight
jeans, boots & your good to go! i have
a few in different colours & i just switch them up. plus i get
the most compliments on this knitted item when out."
to make sure you get exactly what you want,
in the colour you want, & of course asap, or to receive your
pattern,please drop me a quick myspace message just
giving me a heads up!
hand knit original eyelet fannypack,
w/ wooden toggle
pictured w/ kozyndan's bunnyfish
"seriously, what could be more fun & unexpected than wearing
a original patterned hand knitted fanny pack,
it gives every outfit a sense of humor, & why not!" tara-lynn
& buy my original pattern for a fannypack
to be clear, i will message you my pattern.PLEASE NOTE! WHEN USING PAYPAL!
to make sure you get exactly what you want,
in the colour you want, & of course asap, or to receive your
pattern,please drop me a quick myspace message just
giving me a heads up!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

kozyndan's bunnyfish loves the fannypack!

if you look closely enough i have a bunnyfish nestled inside of a fannypack, as i serenade him w/ a child's harmonica!i had the oppurtunity to have kozyndan's bunnyfish visit me in Canada for a mere d...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 06:38:00 GMT

embroidery/art collaborations w/ matt cipov/ pink cocks, kitty whiskers...

embroidery collaborations w/ matt cipov
Posted by on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:18:00 GMT

PRESS! for diyknits

tah-dah! i'm excited to be able to say diyknits has been featured in the following amazing online zines: also, seen in the fall issue of N.E.E.T, issue 04,diyknits was mentioned in the "so hot right n...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 20:16:00 GMT