Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!ANDRE MONTGOMERY-PRINCE HYPHY A.K.A P.HYPH was born Feb,8th,1989 Growning up fast in the streets of portland N.E side ranging from the eairly years on mallory or to the blocks of alberta and killingsworth.to alberta and GOing.AFTER moving to DETRIOT MI,HE began his climb TO GAIN RAPPIN SUPRIMISY .EXPLOTING his HIS FAMILYs TIES WIT THE ORgANIZED DISiPLE OF CHI TOWN he banned a group of friends together and started his first clicc...shit got heavy in MI, do to his mothers drug problem so yung hyphy had to move bacc to the town At 11 years old he was put up on game be his OLD HEADS or OG's and BEcAME 1 OF mAllOrY's FEW YUng (REAL GD BLOODLINE)HYPHY BEGAN RAPPIN SHORTLY after his OLDeR brother SKrIllA RELEASe 1 OF hIS HOTest TRACKs JAcK FROST....INspIRED BY HIS BROTHErs MUSICAL TALENt hE BEgaN HIs RISE TO SHOW THE WOrLD AND HIS CitY HOW MUsIC IS SUpoSE TO BE DONE....INTERVIEW BY......LISA HOWARD..(mUSIC'n'MEDIA)....... Myspace Layout Generator-Layoutgen.com
..part 1
P.HyPhY WiT ThE SpItTaZ CommIttIe part 2
committie shit