About Me
JOHN TRUBEE TRUNCATED BIO: Born in Rapid City, South Dakota. Grew up in Princeton, New Jersey. Eldest of 5 brothers. Started playing guitar on July 7th, 1970. I was 13 then. Was a studious but irreverent preppie at Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. Played in my groovy teen band GLOOP NOX & THE STIK PEOPLE in the Delaware Valley mid-1970's. Graduated from Boston's Berklee College of Music, 1979. Relocated to Los Angeles 1980, was roommates for 5 months with the late, great Richie Hass, then moved to a studio apartment in North Hollywood (11438 Killion Street Apt. 4, North Hollywood, CA 91601, 1980 to 1992). Performed and recorded with JOHN TRUBEE & THE UGLY JANITORS OF AMERICA, ZOOGZ RIFT, DEBT OF NATURE, SEVERED HEAD IN A BAG, and THE FREE BASS ENSEMBLE. Earned record deals with Enigma Records, Restless Records, Cordelia Records (UK), Empty Records (Germany), and Ladd/Frith and a few other teeny & obscure labels. I also wrote for SPIN, BAM, and MUSIC CONNECTION until I realized the time squandered on touting the music of others I ought to be investing in creating and promoting my own music. Los Angeles IS a fun place to explore various music-related and recreational potentialities. I have mixed love/hate feelings about Los Angeles. LA is like a girlfriend you once dearly loved who transmogrified into a decrepit, heroin-addicted whore lying besotted and debauched in a urine-drenched back alley. I escaped LA shortly after the 1992 riots (was planning my departure for a while). The riots merely confirmed my view of LA as a vile, ugly shithole unworthy of my longterm residence unless I was paid enough. No one came through with enough money for me to endure LA any longer. I escaped to the California desert in La Quinta, near Indio and Palm Desert in the summer of 1992, and enjoyed a monastic hermitage dogsitting 2 canines in my brother Jay's home while he and his wife June and their newborn infant daughter, my niece, Jillian toured Europe. Relocated to Santa Rosa, California October 1992. I strode off the bus with 3 pieces of luggage and no place to live, no job, and knowing absolutely no one in town. I proceeded to reassemble my life in a new place. I have not owned nor driven an automobile since 1992 (aside from rare trips in rental cars) and get everywhere by bicycle, bus, or train. Most people are unable and unwilling to do this. I am and I love it.
$$$I am not God nor a sage, only a crank with my own opinion. I write music I want to hear. It's the most fun in the world--even better than sex because you don't have to spend endless hours in tortuous negotiations with someone for an act that may yield insufficient gratification for the time and energy invested in obtaining it.I produce and record my music myself with the best musicians I can find. I record when I FINALLY get a pile of money together--by working for it. I fling CDR copies of my music (FREE!) out to people on the street and people I meet. If you know of a better marketing, promotion, and distribution system THAT IS AVAILABLE TO ME, please inform me of it.Life is not a popularity contest, nor should making music or art or literature be a popularity contest. If you create stuff it ought to come from the heart and mind. Additionally, SOUL is ESSENTIAL in these soulless times.If we always do everything only for the money we become stupid, greedy little whores. If we only do stuff solely to win the approval of others we are merely pathetic, craven little lickspittle toadies.Have I made myself perfectly clear?Yours in Christ---LITTLE JOHNNY SATAN$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$GOOGLE JOHN TRUBEE FOR A FEW LAUGHS$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Write to:
John Trubee
PO Box 4921
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 USASend anything fantastic and unusual!Also! Go to these groovy websites for downloads of groovy music
www.emusic.com & www.lostinthegrooves.com*****
John Trubee Haiku: Hags killed my children/School days wasted in torture/ When will we evolve?*********TV god in homes/Fools drool braindead and passive/Nation ugly dumb*****Goofy boys love speed/Chrome A-Go-Go cars go fast/Boys: red grease on street*****Puny men lust for throne/Guns bombs torture death blood lies/You gave your child this*****************
Ladies tell me no/Instead they choose vile warthogs/Nine months: monsters born********************************************************
************Here's a groovy essay my pal Bryon Werner sent me...
A WHOLE IN THE USA (I take a moment to curse the inventor of the caps
lock key and the placement of it on the keyboard...)
It used to be that one person's income was (slightly) more than
enough to support a family, not in a luxurious style, but getting
along. People found a job, got good at it, and made a career out of
it, growing in skill and confidence. Such employees were prized by the
managers and executives.
Now, it takes two incomes to barely scrape by. Workers are hired for
short-term employment and are replaceable. Tools and computer programs
are being "improved" at a rapid rate so that everyone is constantly in
a learning mode. Once you get comfortable with the tools, you have to
start over learning new ones, modern ones which may or may not be an
improvement, and are being tested on the job, rather than in the labs.
There is too much profit to be made to adequately test out new
technologies adequately. Has anyone done studies on the long-term
effect of cel-phone use, or the effects of living in a metropolis
where hundreds of thousands of broadcast signals permeate our brains
every day?
As I see it, GREED is a virus and it is OUT OF CONTROL. Few even see
it as a BAD THING. SO MUCH money is being made at the top that it
leaves plenty for the bribing of politicians, policemen,
investigators, or whoever sstands in the way of the Mighty Dollar.
People are now being kept off-balance by out-of-the-blue firings and
layoffs. The transfer of good jobs overseas makes it harder and harder
to get the job you "deserve" and that you are capable of doing. This
makes people more desperate to get a job, ANY JOB, just to keep the
hot dogs and beans on the table for the kids. Because they MUST take
any job available, workers now have no leverage in the workplace to
push for better working conditions, better contracts, or just
fair-play in the hiring and firings that affect their lives. Unions
have been portrayed as evil, corrupt organizations (rightly or
wrongly) so that no one has faith in them anymore.
Business have no moral obligation to their workers anymore, just to
the Holy Stockholders.
The BIG LIE that is extended to these Upper Strata puppet-masters is
that if they do their job right, they TOO will be able to get into
that top 5% that control nearly EVERYTHING. The LAST thing these folks
at the top want is more people at their table. Anyone working their
way up the ladder is bought out or destroyed in hostile takeovers or
scandals. Meanwhile the to 5% are concerned with making it the top 3%,
the top 2%, etc.
What hope is there for any of us? Well, multi-tasking. People with
many talents or interests have a better chance of surviving. People in
the Arts, itself a basically losing proposition in this country, have
a SMALL chance of being the next Big Thing and having a brief success.
(Most people in the USA think that being an artist or musician is a
dodge to keep from working and will insist that they work for free.
"Think of the exposure you'll get!" Try that with a plumber some
time!) Occasionally, a Matt Groening will slip through the cracks and
get to the top, but it is RARE INDEED.
We have seen how elections can be stolen. Legislators now have no
allegiance to their electorate. Most see their office as a way to
increase their personal fortunes. Laws will never get passed when the
lobbies control the lawmakers. Corruption tastes SOOO sweet!
Our best hope lies with the kids. If we can educate them about
the BASIC LIES in the Capitalist Manifesto, perhaps we will get an
innovative leader, someone who can express the situation that can
arouse the wrath of the working man and woman to put the bastards out
on their ass. (That is if they don't get so cynical they just retreat
into drugs and nihilism.) We are, unfortunately, doomed. But we can
educate the next generations. Talk to the kids. It MIGHT work, and a
small Hope is better than none at all.Byron WernerP.S. And John, since I gave you extensive time and feedback, please
have the courtesy to give me some feedback more that the usual "Right
on, Bro", eh?