~ME~ .. MaNtRa's" Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists. Therein lies the peace of God" -CIM"Your imagination is the single most important tool you have in your daily fight to be free. It is the source of every act of liberation you will ever need to pull off. " - Rob Brezsny"You can change your inner movie because you are the director, writer and actor, and you have all the power to change the story you are living" - Don Miguel Ruiz"And today, tomorrow, and the next day, you are going to add one more thought, one more focused vibration to what is already there, which will cause the tipping point, or manifestation point for you" -Abraham Material"Deactivation of unwanted vibrations is the same process as activation of wanted Vibrations" -AM"You are a pure, positive, source energy, focused in your physical body, intending to benefit from contrast because it helps you decide and define your unique preferences" -AM"Remember, there is no Non-Physical Source of darkness, sickness, confusion, or evil. There is only Stream of Well-Being, and it is flowing toward you at all times. And unless you are offering resistance of some kind, you are the full receiver of it, and your emotions help you understand to what extent you are allowing or resisting the stream. In other words, the better you feel, the less you are resisting; the worse you feel, the more you are resisting." --From Ask and It Is Given By Esther and Jerry Hicks ~hOme~