well were shall i start my name is james wainwright my mates call me Jay or Wainwright i live in liverpool and as soon as i finish school and sixth form/ college i will be moving away from this place because of the people but there is a select bunch of people i trust and who i will be keeping in contact with.there are alot of people that i whould class as friends but not the going out type of mate more the saying hello in the street and not speakin to them for the rest of the day. I don't seem to make enemies alot and i think that is because i am one of those people that just stays out of the lime light so really i don't cause trouble. i am not the most confident person you will ever meet but when i am with my best mates a.k.a Tom Emma Danny Mickey. i am confident because these are the people i can trust. we all have are own personalities like Tom he can be anoying but he is still one of my best mates. Emma is unpredictable lets just she is not what she seems. Danny well he is just mad man and a briliant artist there is nothing more to say exept he is a hornie devil and when he sees someone he like god help us all. Then there is mikey well he just funny funny funny. Then there is me well i am that person that joins in but doesn't have a clue whats going on.What I like? Well i like games i like music i like sports and i like chillin out but my passion is drama being on that stage makes me feel like a different person. When i leave school i hope to go into acting on tele or filif you want to speak to me just go on msn and look for me
[email protected]