Myspace Comments
Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.ComIm Crazy.Im Silly. Im FuNNy.I'm BraVE.I'm GuRlY.I'm SwEeT.I'm LouD.I'M CheeRFuL.I'm OpiONaTeD.I'm EnERGeTiC.I'M ANNoYiNG.SoMETiMEs im NoT EvERyThiNG I WisH I CuD Be, BuT I'm EvERyThiNG I NeeD To Be....IM JUZ ME AND I LIKE IT LIKE THAT!!!!!If U LooK InSiDE a GiRL u WuD See How MuCH ReaLLy ShE CrieS, BuT WhaT U'LL SEe D MoST iS How HarD iT iS To StaY StRoNG WheN NuTHiN is RiGHT & EvERyTHing Is WroNG"
IF U CANT HANDLE MEI want A GUy who wouLD Move teh hair Away from my Eyes anD theN Kiss Me... SomeOne who woUld siNG to me at randoM MoMents..Who wud LeT me Sleep in Their Chest...SomeOne who Would Make Fun of Me Juz to Make Me LauGH... But Mostly I waNT Some1 who woULd be my BESTFRIEND and would not BreaK Mah HearT!!!..
LOve is WheN U Shed A TeaR and U StiLL Love HiM/HeR... Its WheN he/she Loves AnoTher PersON but U StiLL Smile N SaY Im Happy For You WheN aLL u Really do is CRY......
Advent Children, Underworld. Scarface,Cowboy Bebop the movie, Dungeon and Dragons, American History, Speed, Coach Carter, Guess who?!, 50 first date, crazy beautiful, mean girls, 10 things i hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days, Lord of the Rings, Narnia,Crouching Tigers, Definetly Maybe, ArmageddoN... and many to mention lol
Friends, Sex in the City, ER, TFC channels (lol),Cowboy Bebop, Aqua TeeN, Futurama, many to mention