Cla!reBeaR profile picture


RelatioNShiPs r Like GlaSS... SomeTimEs it's BeTTeR 2 leAve deM BroKen deN Try 2 HuRT urSelf PuttiNG

About Me

I am who I am, If u don't like it... too FUCKIN BAD!!! I LOVE DANCING!!! Going to Bars with music and clubbing!!!!Im the type of person that you wont hear a thing from me. i dont nag. generous... you dont have to ask if u need help im olweiz there...although sometimes they take me for granted....I dont find it difficult to tell people no.ShoPpin'...., mall..outlets.anywhere..errRvrywhuRrr..(shop til' i dRop..or max out my cRedit...:oP).siNgin'( PARTyiN'..mix drink and music.. gets me started! Love to hang out wid mah friends... minsan malakas din ang topak!! in short...flip especially when im sooooo drunk!!! hmmm My face gets so red whenever i drink liquor.I love having fun but I also need some drama in my life (naks)...everytime you see me I always got a smile on my face it depends if im in bad mood! I hate people that are two-faced and people who are fake... you know, who are constantly changing themselves to "fit in" with different crowds. (in other words social climber!). I hate when ppl use me for their own amusement.Love listening to music.... People think im a snob but that's not true. Things I cant live widout: my CELLPHONE, wallet, camera (sometimes) and a book when im travelling.I have the best circle of friends a person can have, a great mom and sis, a place to chill. Damn... I love dancing!!! i said that already huh?! hehehe...I don't necessarily wear branded clothes.Coz it doesn't matter if it's branded or not.It's how you bring the clothes,right? ....
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Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.ComIm Crazy.Im Silly. Im FuNNy.I'm BraVE.I'm GuRlY.I'm SwEeT.I'm LouD.I'M CheeRFuL.I'm OpiONaTeD.I'm EnERGeTiC.I'M ANNoYiNG.SoMETiMEs im NoT EvERyThiNG I WisH I CuD Be, BuT I'm EvERyThiNG I NeeD To Be....IM JUZ ME AND I LIKE IT LIKE THAT!!!!!If U LooK InSiDE a GiRL u WuD See How MuCH ReaLLy ShE CrieS, BuT WhaT U'LL SEe D MoST iS How HarD iT iS To StaY StRoNG WheN NuTHiN is RiGHT & EvERyTHing Is WroNG" IF U CANT HANDLE MEI want A GUy who wouLD Move teh hair Away from my Eyes anD theN Kiss Me... SomeOne who woUld siNG to me at randoM MoMents..Who wud LeT me Sleep in Their Chest...SomeOne who Would Make Fun of Me Juz to Make Me LauGH... But Mostly I waNT Some1 who woULd be my BESTFRIEND and would not BreaK Mah HearT!!!..
LOve is WheN U Shed A TeaR and U StiLL Love HiM/HeR... Its WheN he/she Loves AnoTher PersON but U StiLL Smile N SaY Im Happy For You WheN aLL u Really do is CRY......



Advent Children, Underworld. Scarface,Cowboy Bebop the movie, Dungeon and Dragons, American History, Speed, Coach Carter, Guess who?!, 50 first date, crazy beautiful, mean girls, 10 things i hate about you, how to lose a guy in 10 days, Lord of the Rings, Narnia,Crouching Tigers, Definetly Maybe, ArmageddoN... and many to mention lol


Friends, Sex in the City, ER, TFC channels (lol),Cowboy Bebop, Aqua TeeN, Futurama, many to mention



My Blog

How to keep in touch w/ frieNds

When friends move away, it's hard to keep in touch with them. You both get busy with your separate lives and don't have the time to catch up with each other. Nonetheless, it's important to keep in tou...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:18:00 PST

Do you know how powerful the words I am sorry are?

They can melt the walls around a woman's heart. They can put back trust that was lost. They can free a man's or woman's mind from guilt. They can tear down a wall and instantly build a bridge. Three l...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:50:00 PST

Taking for Granted....

The social ties between people are getting weaker, friends seem to take each other for granted. knowing that they can be reached at ease at any time, they don't seem to put much importance on being in...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 10:36:00 PST

about me i guess

I am a very driven person who knows how to have fun. im a very positive person. I don't like looking at life as one big brick to carry. i don't like negative people coz they can be very cons...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:35:00 PST

MayBe ToMoRRoW

When I think about what we used to be,I cry and cry in spite of me.It just seems crazy that was just last year,Just last year I barely cried one tear.Now I’m just hoping maybe tomorrow,Maybe tom...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:36:00 PST


It's hard to tell who you can trust and who will deceive you, hard to tell if something is too good to be true or are your eyes just playing tricks on you. Whether the feelings are real or really fake...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 03:14:00 PST

Mah fave ToO ---- TekKeN wid mah fave JiN, KinG and NiNa

-----KING------ -----JIN----- -----NINA----- TEKKEN GIRLS ...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

Final Fantasy Fanatic

Damn its 6am... im awake already.... wahhh... well here some videos that i liked from FinaL FantasY!!!!Howie Day - Collide Nickelback - Far Away Darude - Sandstorm Sarina Pa...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 03:14:00 PST

.....MiSSiN not MeSSiN....

Just because my eyes don't tear doesn't mean my heart doesn't cry. And just because i come out strong doesn't mean there's nothing wrong. Often, i choose to pretend im happy so i don't have to explain...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:23:00 PST


1. Girls are treated as princess' bytheir dads. So they are to be treatedlike so.2. Girls are good listeners. But notwhen you've hurt them. Coz believe me,they love you,but they see to it thatyou can ...
Posted by Cla!reBeaR on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 02:28:00 PST