About Me
Egyptology is in my heart, Psychology is in my head, okay, sometimes in my heart, too, dance and mouvi theatre all the time makes me happy, when I can do it. My family, the love, the kiss, and friedships are in the middle of my life. I like to be in desert only to lie on the sand, in sunset or in sunrise , sometimes along is better to me, and only hear the silence, and listen at myself, to feel clear my emotions, and to try to understand myself really, hmmm...The desert is something else, like the world outside. It is so, to lie on seaside under the sun, and imagin what I want from the world and from myself, what could make me happy.The Buddhism what is very important to me, calm me down, and I feel, I don't afraid nevermore.I like Yoga, when I have time I make it, it helps to me to keep the balance in my mind and in my body.When I work at home, like psychologyst, I want to find the best way, how can I try to help to people understand him-herself, and to avoid the lying and to find choose a better way in the life. But what is with me? Oh yes...I need a good psychoanalist...
I have two months for a year to work in excavations in
Egypt, when I was child, I thought, this work is, like Indiana Jones'films, but it is not. It is hard, sometimes is full with tiers, but it is the sun in my life. Egypt, now, and the ancient history... when I speak about, I speak always, like about my wonderfol love.And sometimes I am sitting at home and try to translate ancient writing from hierogliph and hieratic language, I now, it is crazy, what can I do, I like it.I like my Mouvi Theater, there I feel me free. and always young or not.I love very much my family, without thier I don't can imagin my happyness. But it is a crazy family, like me.
I like the cats, dogs, and the all of animals we have at home.What I do sometimes, yes.. sometimes only seat and look at on the empty wall, I am looking for the happyness (on the empty wall?), sometimes find it, sometims I can't find nothing.
Without books and mouvis I can'live, and music and dance what I need.
So much time of my life, what I spend in the Psichiarty or in a tomb or temple in Egypt. Sometims I want to be change my life, but I don't know why, because maybe it is okay, yes, questions, questions, questions... And, and and.....I write some days, I write someitmes about my thoughts, feeligs, frieds, loves, and about my life beetwen the thigs of the world, of the peaple. I would like belive to peace, to tolerance, to love, to arts, but I can't. Sometimes I like the extrems things, but sometimes I hate these.
So, I feel it is enough. Maybe the winter is to long here..Ok. today it's better, I hate the rain and smog, I am depressed without the sun. What is just important about me? My freedom, in my feeling, in my thinking, in my relationships.
I like to be together with people, who are creative, and a little bit creazy, or more, I like sitting in a pub, or in a flat, and speaking sometimes till morning, smoke cigarettes and drink good wines and hear music.
I like to go out to concerts, or performans, film festivales, and can be one day long in a Museum.
But you can see my, a lttle bit creazy family, with our cat and dog, look at the show, they are here with me.
One of them is streetartist, one of them is writer.
And I like their ways.
Some scene from our "artlife"
Just happy, sometimes it's enough to me, the sea and me along.
Above: yuo can see the big masters of Psychology,long time ego, and now, beetwen us is Moreno, the father of Psychodrama, his douther, Zerka Moreno, who was my Psychodrama teacherin, in New York, in Moreno Theater, you can see a picture from the Theater, too. When I was there it was a very big experience to me, I think so, maybe it changed my life and my thinking. Hmmm.... not the all!!
And after look et the pictures, how is my work, like psychologyst in everydays life.
My loved photos.
When I am In Luxor, my first way is to the nobles tombs. I like sitting here and I feel, that I arrived home. /creazy?/ How can I speak about it...?